Dull aura...

The girl was stunned that the boy had instantly left her all alone as if it did not even matter to him that the girl was stark naked. He did not even have a heart to close the door or atleast help the girl wear her clothes.

But this how Jack had now turned out to be. It had been 7 years now and the man was getting nothing but more and more shameless and ruthless every day.

Jack walked inside his elegant office and quickly sat on his chair, not even giving a single thought to Natalia. He picked up a wine glass from a nearby table and a bottle of wine, pouring some in the glass for himself. He then opened a large file in front of him, inside which was placed a dark colored pencil.

Soon he started to draw certain patterns for his latest lingerie collection, while sipping his wine side by side. Jack was actually the best in his job and his creativity had no limits. From being a top student in his college to being the top in his field, the man was a genius.

The man was constantly sketching and it had been already three hours and two glasses of wine, but he did not stop. Suddenly their was a knock at his door and he finally picked up his head looking at the glass door in front of him.

The man had designed his own office. His office had multiple aspects of his life, through which anybody could judge him. Behind him was a painting of a gigantic dark face with closed eyes. A tear was dropping down from the eyes of the face, while the sad man stood all alone on a road. Just opposite to the large glass desk, was a gigantic book shelf, full of all kinds of designing books. On his right was a grey colored wall, on which a guitar was hung that had not been touched from past seven years.

His room was full of dark red color, with a few hints of black, grey and white. Just like his personality, his office too had cold, mysterious, empty and dull aura!

Upon hearing the knock, did the boy finally stop sketching and looked up at the door. "Yes."

The boy's blonde secretary entered the room, holding a plastic bag in her hand. "Sir, your food delivery is here."

"Thank you!" The man nodded his head and the secretary, placed the large plastic salad bowl on the table and quietly left, as she knew she needed to be very silent, in front of the man. The boy did not like talking much and neither does he like friendly and loud conversations.

This was the man's usual meal. He would sit all alone on his dull and quiet office and eat his salad bowl silently, while looking at his sketches. With nobody to share a meal or cook for him, except the servants, the boy always ate in boredom and silence!