True value...

In contrast to the man's lonely and boring life, the girl was now sitting surrounding a gigantic table, while they all were now celebrating the success of the charity event and Eva's new job. The tension that was prevelant a few minutes ago regarding Richard, was all forgotten and the eight members of the Kennedy family, were now having a gala time sitting in their house garden, still dressed in their formal attires.

"Yummmm!! These meat balls are so delicious aunty!" Emily chewed happily, looking at Eva's mother.

"Thank you my dear. I cooked them, specially for you as I knew you are coming back and this is also your favourite dish." The lady smiled affectionately and then turned to look at a bowl full of red sauce salad which was also Emily's favourite. "Here! This is another of your favourite dish." She served some salad in the girl's plate.

"And this burger is for you Eva." The lady then turned to serve Eva, her favourite burger, loaded with extra cheese.

"Wow! Thanks mom." The girl's eyes were shining bright looking at the gigantic burger.

"So everybody!!" The eldest Kennedy member, clinked his glass with a spoon and smiled raising a toast. "Congratulations on holding a successful charity meet. May the Kennedy family, keep striving to serve its nation like this."

"Yayy!!" Everybody too raised their glasses happily looking at the elderly man.

"And congratulations Eva my little darling, for getting a job in the field of your choice. Though we all are sad that you will be away from us, but we are happy that you want to work hard and pursue your dreams. May Lord grant you great heights." The girl's grand father spoke with much adoration, wiping the tears from his eyes.

Eva too blinked her eyes, fighting back her tears. She quickly got up from her seat and rushed to hug her grandfather. "Awe! Grandpa! I love you. And don't worry, I know you will keep coming to the city every month." She kissed the man's forehead, hugging him tightly.

"Eva my dear. You have a very sharp and creative brain, so it never came as a surprise to me that you were selected for your dream job. May you go learn new things in the city, make new friends and also I really hope you meet a man of your dreams. A man who understands your true qualities. Who does not see your external beauty, but he rather falls for your beautiful and caring heart." Eva's grandmother spoke up wiping away her tears looking at her precious grand- daughter. "Some body who sees how humble and caring you are, and truly values you for that!" Her grandmother smiled and soon Eva came running towards the elderly lady, hugging her tightly.

"Thank you grandmother." She smiled kissing her cheeks fondly.