His creation...

The girl was now thinking if she was actually too quick in judging the boy. He seemed to be really well mannered and also well dressed. It was not the boy's fault after all that she was dancing around in her room, without closing the curtains or that she burped so loudly.

"Oh wow! A writer is my new neighbour. Interesting. You will find me sketching most of the time in my balcony. I am a fashion designer." The boy smiled making sure to mention his profession as the girl was an avid shopoholic and she would get impressed instantly.

"Oh! Really! That is pretty impressive." The girl spoke in excitement, liking the boy even more. "Then I must say you are an angel for girls like me, who love to shop." The girl smirked, looking in his intense blue eyes. His eyes were really deep and mesmerising and the girl could simply not take away her gaze.