Exact size....

The girl had now peeled the silk paper of the gift and looked at a beautiful wooden box, which looked like it was hand painted. "Oh my, how beautifully you have packed it." The girl touched the box lightly, with her finger, feeling its texture.

"Well, the idea was mine, but my assistant packed it. I should not take credits for packing." The boy chuckled looking at the girl who was mighty impressed looking at the box.

The girl was about to open the box, when suddenly another black cargo halted outside the gate and the boy rolled his eyes looking at the vehicle. The boy was now wondering, if the cargos will ever stop!?

The girl's attention was diverted and she smiled turning her head. "Oh, it is my delivery. I had just gone for a little shopping so they are here to deliver." The girl looked at the boy apologetically.

"No problem." The boy nodded his head politely, focusing on the 'little shopping' word which the girl had spoken.