Good looks and talent..

Everybody felt silent and turned to look at Hector who was now standing on the stage and looking at Eva. Eva too frowned and looked at the boy in surprise. "Just when I had successfuly managed to avert the attention, he is again bringing the topic on me." Eva whispered sadly, looking at her junior boss.

"This girl has submitted an article, on earth's ecological system on basis of which dad had selected her to be a part of the company as the junior editor." The man spoke up, showing everybody an article typed by the girl. "After I read the article, I had sent it to the Expressions company, where we all have been trying to get our articles published but have always failed miserably from past few years. They not just approved Eva's article but have also offered our company to write weekly columns for their top magazine, if Eva writes it for us." The boy announced happily, looking proudly at Eva and started to clap for the girl.