Beauty with Brains..

"Any other apprehensions you all have regarding the girl?" Hector spoke authoritatively, with a hint of anger in his tone.

Everybody fell silent in nervouseness while Eva smiled in happiness, as she still could not believe her article was such a big success covering up for all the dirty deed Jack did to her.

"And also, I will be checking who had sent the pictures in the company group. Firstly, it is a company group and not just any chat group where you can send any picture. And secondly, do not forget who the boss is. If you have any trouble regarding any employee, I expect you to come consult me or dad, rather than defaming the person. Thirdly, I have already told the media people to remove the pictures from every tablet and column." The boy then smiled and turned to look at Eva, who in return nodded her head in relief.