His trap...

As soon as the boy stepped out of the auditorium the girl followed him quickly, when suddenly she pretended to have twisted her ankle. "Arghhh!" The girl let out a loud scream, and was about to trip sideways, when the boy heard her scream and instantly held her waist firmly. The girl took deep breaths trying to calm herself down as her hands rested on his shoulders. 

Her face was a little petrified while inside she was grinning happily. This was her oldest trick, which still worked on every man. There faces were now a few inches apart and the boy could not help but admire her beautiful face so close to his own face. "Are you alright? I am sorry, I think I was walking way to fast. It must have been difficult for you to catch up to me in those high heels." The boy had bent a little holding her by her waist, while the girl was now blinking rapidly looking in his intense beautiful eyes.