He is different....

"Oh and also, it is time for our monthly office party. Usually, Tia manages it at her place, but this time I am thinking of hosting it at my place. It will be tomorrow. So make sure you attend it. Since you are new, it is a perfect opportunity to introduce yourself to everybody in office." The boy smirked feeling proud of his own self of having come up with a perfect idea. 

"Oh wow! A party? Of course, I shall be there boss. Thank you so much." The girl spoke excitedly, as this was her first party after coming to the city. 

"Alright then. I shall get going. See you later Eva." The boy smiled and stood up smiling sweetly at her. He was about to walk away when suddenly he turned around and looked at Eva. "By the way Eva, I must say, my first judgement about you was correct. You are not just gorgeous but also very intelligent. I am sure you have an amazing upbringing. Keep it up."