See the truth....

Yes, but all I know is, several people love you. They are waiting to see your face." The man pointed towards a curtain covered glass door.

"People? I don't even have any family. Even if I die, nobody will even come to cry for me. What people are you talking about?" Jack had assumed that the doctor was only trying to cheer him up, as he hardly had anybody that close in his life.

The doctor chuckled a bit and turned to look at the nurse. "Nurse. Please push aside the curtains. Let the boy see the truth." 

The nurse knew several people were waiting to see the boy just move his eyes, as she had already informed them that she was about to draw the curtains. She smiled excitedly, and walked up to the curtains. With great zeal did the lady pushed aside the enormous curtains.

Jack blinked a bit and then turned his neck a little. His half open eyes, popped open as he saw about a hundred people from his society smiling looking at him across the glass door.