Her determination....

Eva chewed her sandwich and looked at Willy, who was constantly starring at her. "What happened Willy? Why are you looking at me like that?" 

"You ... you remind me of my younger sister somehow. She was just as beautiful as you are. Similar big brown eyes and pale skin. I see my sister in you." Willy smiled constantly looking at the pretty girl. 

Eva smiled chewing the delicious sandwich. "Oh! How sweet Willy. Where is she right now? At home?" 

"Ah! No. She passed away due to cancer, one year back. We all miss her a lot. We tried our best to save her, but the tumour was too aggressive." The boy sighed feeling extremely dejected. 

Eva stopped chewing the sandwich and looked Willy in much surprise. "Oh dear! I am so sorry Willy." The girl patted the young boy's shoulder lovingly. " You can consider me as your big sister from today." The girl smiled a bit trying to cheer up the boy.