Eat with my hands....

"What!? You cannot be serious about it." Eva was a little startled, as her smile faded away.

Jack was excited to see the girl's smile fading and he tried to widen his smile, trying to make it look as scary and dreadful as possible. He pulled down his lower half an inch, looking at the girl. "Of course, I am not joking. Go get a measuring scale; oh you can also measure it with your hands. That is more convenient." He again fiddled with his lower, making the girl to get up on her feet with a jolt.

"You.. you are so weird.. and.. and so scary...." Eva took a few steps back from the weirdly smiling boy. 

Jack bent a little trying to catch the girl's hand as he laughed like a maniac, scaring her to the core. "Don't you want to see it? Come to me! See... seee..." The boy pretended to pull down his lower.