Friends forever...

The boy keenly looked at the girl, and then bit hesitantly looked at the porridge. The porridge suddenly did not look so repulsive to him as he was now concentrated on the girl's beautiful face and the worry in her eyes. She was patiently waiting for the boy to open his mouth, and had tilted her face a bit.

The boy took a deep breath and opened his mouth a bit. The girl inserted the spoon in his mouth and smiled happily. 

Yet again a sharp metallic taste errupted in his mouth and he gulped down the porridge, instantly. He did not have the heart to gag or puke in front of the girl, and make her smile to vanish. As soon as the boy gulped down the porridge Eva grinned happily, once again dipping the spoon in the poridge. She was yet again about to place the spoon next to his lips when suddenly she noticed a small white piece of poridge stuck on the boy's lips.