His true colors...

"Huh? No sister, he is not my boyfriend. Don't sound so excited. He is just a friend and of course, I will not get married to that Richard. Yes... Yes... I know, if I do not find a boyfriend, you will postpone your wedding. But... Jack is not my boyfriend..." Eve slapped her forehead, looking at the time by her watch. "No! It cannot be. Jack is too unromantic and dull person, who leads a boring life." The girl sighed looking at the dull interiors around her. She could never imagine herself living in this house and with a man with such boring tastes. "Infact, I think, I like Hector my boss. He is too sweet and also very honest and reliable man. He respects girls so much... and hopefully, he will be the one to accompany me to Alaska, at your wedding. So, don't worry, go ahead with your shopping. I shall be there for sure with him, as I know, he already likes me too." 

"WHATTT!!!" Emily shreiked in joy, hearing the girl's words. "Did he confess already?"