His character...

Eva giggled loudly looking at the blushing boy and walked closer to him. She instantly clutched his cheeks and pulled them a bit much force. 

"Arghh! Stop it Eva. I am not a kid." The boy frowned looking at the girl in much irritation, as if the girl was trying to snatch his honour. 

"But, you look cute when you blush Jack." The girl giggled again, yet again pulling his cheeks.

The boy rolled his eyes, letting her pull his cheeks upto her heart's content. "Fine! Do whatever you have to do. I am sure now, you are not getting late for office!" The spoke in a sarcastic tone.

"It is already lunch break now. So I just have to reach before that. So I have exactly one hour." The girl grinned poking her finger on his cheek. "Ok show me your designs. I am after all letting you use my precious name." The girl tried to snatch the drawing file she had just brought, but the boy stuck it close to his chest in much panic.