Her baggage...

"What are you talking about? Who is Kennedy?" The boy spoke in much confusion, thinking that probably the boy was trying to evade the topic. 

He was about to punch him again, when Eva spoke up. "I am Kennedy, Jack. Eva Kennedy is my full name." The girl was surprised that Hector already knew about her family background. 

"The Alaskian Kennedy? Are you from that royal family?" Jack frowned looking at the girl in confirmation.

"Yes. But how do you know about it Hector?" Eva folded her hands across her chest. 

"Are you serious? Look at you! Your dress costs more than my car. Your car costs more than my house! Isn't it obvious that you hail from an affluent background and when you told me you live in Whispering Willows, I was even more sure. Then I saw your profile and obviousely who would not want to be your boyfriend? It is like earning a lottery ticket everyday." The boy rolled his eyes, while still lying flat on the ground.