Partners in crime...

"It is not that easy Jack. I need somebody with if not same family background, but with a good family status so that media does not doubt him. Then, where will I find a boy whom I tell that he has to be my temporary boyfriend for a wedding? And how will I make sure that he does not fall for me? And then... what about my reputation? Media will say first I broke up with Richard then also with my other boyfriend. I'll be tagged as a break up expert." The girl spoke in much rapid speed, without even breathing. "Also..."

"Hey! Hey! Girl are you even breathing?" Jack finally intervened, placing his palm on the girl's lips, making her shut her mouth. "Relax! When is the wedding?" He finally released her mouth, realizing that he was getting a bit carried away.

"In a few weeks." The girl spoke softly, constantly looking at the ceiling.