Stay positive....

One hour later....

Jack had now finished another sketch, and was happily looking at it, in much satisfaction. "If I keep getting such creative ideas, then surely nobody can stop me from making the event a success." He then instantly, turned the page and started drawing a fresh sketch, not willing to waste even a single moment. "From tomorrow, I should start the manufacturing of the ready designs. Do not really have much time left." The boy's mind was now constantly running, in several directions, trying to balance each and every department of his company. "Hmm.. Then, I need to create a sample sketch for advertisement too. People should not be able to resist my invite." The boy smiled a bit as his hands were yet again moving skillfully on the paper. 

Just then his phone rang and his attention was diverted. He turned to look at the phone and frowned at the unkown number. He swiped the green icon and placed the speaker near his ear. "Hello?"