His secret desire...

A tear fell down from the boy's eye as he heard the beautiful words spoken by Eva, just for him. The boy now had an intense urge to hug the girl in much adoration and never let her go. He took a few steps towards the girl, when suddenly the lights of the fountain were turned off. The girl was no longer visible to him and halted his steps in surprise. "Oh God! There is more? I don't know, if I will be able to digest so much happiness. It is like giving an entire box of cheese loaded pizza to a man hungry from past so many years!!" The boy shouted out loud, for the first time letting out his sense of humour reveal. 

He could hear muffed laughter of several people around him, which made him realize there were several people in the pitch dark garden. He pursed his lips and blushed a little, when suddenly several fountains ahead of him were lit up in one straight line.