"Exactly how many assassins were sent?" I asked.
"A little over a hundred." Veronica answered.
"What the hell? Why though?" I questioned.
"Ask yourself. You know your brother better than anyone else."
I thought about Ben for the next few minutes. What we had been through together and apart. The reasons why he could be hating me and the reasons why he may want me dead so badly. All of them point back to when times were normal, before the incident.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"Somewhere." She replied.
"You don't say." I said sarcastically. "Now tell me where are we going?" I asked seriously.
"Wherever I want us to go." She said.
I pulled my revolver out and instantly cocked it, then quickly aimed it at her head.
"I'm gonna ask one last time. Where are we going?"
"Now why did you need to do that?" She asked seriously.
Something hit my arms as I dropped my revolver. I felt sharp pain in my right forearm. Then someone proceeded to kick me in the back and dropping me to the ground.
"Okay I think that's enough guys." Veronica said.
I took a minute to catch my breath and control the pain. I slowly stood back up to see two other people, a man and a girl. I recognized the girl, Karla. She was my girlfriend for a while before I became the manager of the company. The man on the other hand was a middle aged man, about 35 I would guess. He was lanky more than anything. A little taller than me but with no muscles.
Karla gasped when she saw my face.
"What?" Said the man.
"Nothing, just needed to catch my breath." Said Karla.
"Well, now I guess we go wherever I want us to go. Right?" She said as she leaned forward to mock me.
"Still, I want to know." I insisted.
"This one is a dumb one." Said the man.
"No, he's just looking out for himself I guess." Karla said.
"He better stop doing so or he'll get himself killed." Said the man.
"You think you scare me?" I said angrily.
"You better be scared boy." Said the man.
"Marcus just quit doing this we both know Daniel would beat the light out of you." Said Veronica.
I felt like laughing at how true that was but I kept a poker face and kept staring him down.
"So what do you suggest?" Marcus asked Veronica.
"He will shut up. But now we need to set up camp for the night." She said as she pointed to the sky.
It was getting dark and the forest wasn't the best place to be in.
Karla and Marcus started gathering sticks and rocks to start a fire I assumed. Veronica came up to me as she held my revolver at the ready before ordering me to sit and lean on a tree. I did so, and then Marcus came and started tying me to the tree.
"Your breath stinks." I mumbled.
"What did you just say boy?" Asked Marcus.
"I said your breath stinks. How many centuries has it been since you last brushed your teeth?" I said.
Marcus proceeded to punch my guts a couple of times as hard as he could. I coughed up some blood because the bastard had a strong right hook.
"That's what you get." He said.
"You are in luck I'm tied up." I said.
"You actually are lucky Marcus." Said Veronica.
He turned and looked at Veronica angrily, then he turned back at me.
"Watch yourself." He said as he got up and went to sit by the fire that Karla had started.
They sat around the fire together, eating somethings that I couldn't see.
I felt like shit because I'm with these idiots and I don't know what happened to the other three.
"Daniel." Veronica called out.
"What?" I replied in annoyance.
"Good. I just wanted to make sure you are still alive." She replied as they laughed. Karla didn't laugh.
"Screw you too." I said softly but loud enough for them to hear.
"Don't." Veronica said as she grabbed Marcus' arm.
He looked at me with an angry face before turning back to the fire.
Veronica and Marcus had their backs to me. Karla was sat opposite of them. I could feel she never got her eyes off of me.
I closed my eyes to rest a bit.
'I've been through a lot recently.' I thought to myself.
I thought of where the others could be. Did they get out? Did they go back? Or worse of all did they even make it out? Is it possible that the monsters got the better of them in the tunnel?
Questions filled my head as I dozed off to sleep.
(Hunter's POV)
I kept running as I could hear the thundering footsteps behind me. I could feel the monster breathing down on my neck from how close it was to me. Adrenaline took over my body as I couldn't feel anything anymore.
Every roar it let out made me tremble as I was sprinting.
Finally I reached the door we came in from and it wasn't locked thankfully.
I kicked it open and closed it behind me as quickly as possible.
It hit the door really hard after I closed it. The sound thundered in Uncle Henry's apartment.
"What the hell Hunter." Said a voice.
I turned to see uncle Henry standing on a ladder. I assumed he was working on something in his apartment.
"Fog monsters, uncle." Was all I could say as I struggled to catch my breath.
"Where are the others, son?" He asked.
"Dead I think." I said as tears rolled down my face.
"Come here son." He said as I went in for a hug.
I felt a sharp pain in my back as we hugged. He stabbed me when he hugged me. I was shook. I didn't know how to feel. Betrayal? Sadness? Loss? Death? He was the only family left for me.
"I'm so sorry Hunter." He said as tears rolled down his face.
From the shock I couldn't say anything. I couldn't even move. He slowly lowered me to the ground.
"It hurts uncle." I said.
"I know, and I'm so sorry son." He said as he knelt and hugged me as I laid on the ground, blood gushing out of my back and onto the floor.
"Why?" I asked softly.
"It was the only way." He said as tears kept rolling down his face.
"You backstabber." I said before blacking out.