For months now, Terror had been galvanizing the omen at the concentration camp into with talks of a revolution. He'd met with the heads of the different omen gangs and groups in the camp, convincing them to unite under one cause. From there they had set up their own background communications network where they shared information and resources. To galvanize this new movement, Terror had established a figurehead to serve as their leader, known as the 'Red Angel' – in truth it was the name of a character from a comic Terror had once read, but he thought about Nya when he came up with the idea.

With Terror and several of the omen gang leaders serving as the de facto leadership of this new Red Angel Revolutionary Front, they had managed to get all the omen in the camp under their control, and had even gotten some transferred to other omen camps to spread the influence of the RARF. Currently, they had a little over four thousand omen amongst the six omen camps they were in. Organizing so many people in so many locations was a managerial nightmare, not helped by the fact that they had to do so under guard, so they had to be clandestine which was easier said than done. Luckily, there were lots of capable people with Terror which made the daunting task before him that much more bearable.

Terror, along with several crews of omen, were at the World Lord's Department of War, they had been brought in to clear out a building that had sustained heavy damage. This sort of work was typical for the omen of the labor camps, construction and cleanup, as the omen were stronger and –let's be honest— more expendable than citizens.

As he was clearing rubble, he noticed an unusual number of soldiers about, there were at least twice as many soldier than there was last time he was brought here to work.

"What do you think their problem is?" Terror asked Mari, a female taurus he had befriended and one of the female lieutenants of the RARF. She was taller than Terror and almost as muscular while still being considered slender for her race, she had only one horn, which stuck out from her right temple between her dark brown locks, the other horn was broken years ago, so her head was always leaned slightly to the side, Terror still didn't know why she didn't just take the other horn off for balance, but didn't want to ask.

"I overheard the guards talking a little while ago," she whispered, "Apparently, there was a huge freak accident here two days ago and some experiment they were working on got loose, killed the three doctors that were working on it, sucked them dry."

"Sucked them dry?"

"Yeah, like some sort of fucking mutant vampire." Mari shrugged, "Then, earlier this morning, it goes on a rampage, trashes the whole building and killed everyone inside."

Terror couldn't help but grin, from all the evidence, Nya was out. Killing the scientists experimenting on her seemed like something she would do, she doesn't like being manhandled. But the following rampage was a little curious, she wasn't the type to seek out undue attention, so she was up to something, but what?

Terror and Mari moved down a corridor, with a lot of blood stains and a rubble.

"Goddamn, what kind of unholy monster could do all of this?" Mari wondered looking at the deep grouses in the wall,

"And where is it now?" Terror added

"Hey, you two," one of the guards calls as she approaches them, striking them with shock batons, "get back to work."

"Gah! You little bitch!" Mari hisses as she jolts from the shock.

"What did you call me, abomination?" the guard demands about to strike her again, only to have her striking hand grasped, by another guard.

"She called you a little bitch," the other guard said, before driving her fist through the first guard's chest and crushing her heart, strangely enough there was little to no blood spatter.

"Fuck!" Mari yelped as she jumped back from the guard, only to have Terror cover her mouth to silence her

"Shh." Terror warned, "we don't want to attract attention."

The guard in front of them was shorter than terror, her skin was deathly pale and she had wild long fiery red hair.

"Nya, what are you doing?" Terror demanded

"Waiting on you." Nya said as she removed her hand from the guard's chest and the body disappeared into a spatial rift,

"What do you mean?"

"After I escaped a few days ago I went into hiding in this building. I accessed an info terminal and learned as much as I could about how this place operates, then I went on a small rampage so that they'd summon your group to clean it up."

"How'd you know I'd be here?"

"Your camp was the closest, and I made sure they brought a lot of you." Nya commented gesturing to the carnage.

"I'm sorry, but what the fuck is going on?" Mari demanded

"And you are?" Nya turns to her, as if just noticing her presence

"I'm Mari, Terror's friend. Who, the fuck, are you?" Mari snarled

"This is Nya," Terror introduced, "she's a vampire… sort of, that I was traveling with. She was with me when I got busted. Speaking of which, it's been months, where have you been? I could've really used your help"

"I'm sorry, I was too busy being fucking tortured to worry about you." Nya said tersely

"You look alright to me," Terror said

"Yeah, I got better," Nya commented, "Now, I say we find Kiva and get the fuck off this rock."

"We can't." Terror said

"Sure we can," Nya said, as she used an electronic key to unlock Terror and Mari's collars, "See? I unlock everyone's collars, a big riot breaks out and we slip out in the chaos on a stolen ship."

"No, I mean we shouldn't leave."

"Why?" Nya asked, with narrowed eyes

"Things have gotten really complicated; Kiva is now working for the World Lord, and I'm part of an omen revolutionary movement."

"Why?" Nya asked again, but now with genuine confusion on her face.

"Because I saw how omen were treated here and I want to put an end to it." Terror explained

"Obviously, you're a bleeding heart. I was talking about why Kiva was working for the World Lord. I know she was conscripted, but I didn't expect her to be so compliant."

"She was an adept," Mari said, "all adepts on the planet are drafted to the army,"

Nya looked at Terror accusingly, "you told her about us?"

"Only Kiva, since we had a run in a few months ago," Terror said

Nya took a breath, "There may be more here than I originally thought."

"So, what do you want to do?"

"I guess I'll be going with you guys back to the camp." Nya said

"What?" the two omen said

"I've learned all I need to here, and this whole 'revolutionary movement' thing you mentioned sounds interesting enough."

"Interesting? This isn't some game you can play with, it's about our rights and dignity as omen." Mari defended, "We are ready to die for our convictions, are you?"

"Don't be so dramatic," Nya dismissed, "Anyway, let's go."

Nya took both of their collars, disabling them before putting them back on the two, then they went back to work, with Nya supervising as their guard.

"I hope this idea of yours works out,"

"Me too," Nya said

By the time the work shift was done, the omen were shipped back to their camp, along with exactly the same number of guards, and no one was the wiser.

* * *

At the omen camp, Terror and the other lieutenants of the RARF were having a meeting in the cafeteria during yard time. Normally, guards didn't bother them during this time, since it was the only leisure the omen had, so the meeting usually went uninterrupted, but when the lieutenants showed up for this meeting, they found Terror talking to a guard.

"What is the meaning of this?" one of the lieutenants demanded as Terror ended his conversation to address the others.

"Welcome, my friends, the meeting can now start." Terror greeted casually

"Is it wise to speak in front of this guard?" another lieutenant asked

"It's alright," Mari said taking her seat,

"This is the leader I was telling you about," Terror said

"This is the Red Angel?" someone asked skeptically

"Ugh, I cannot believe you actually want me to accept that title." Nya hissed to Terror

"Don't worry, you got this," Terror encouraged

Nya then turned to the other lieutenants, "Yes, I am… the red angel," she admitted begrudgingly.

They all looked skeptical, but still took their seats around a cafeteria table.

"What are you?" was the first question thrown at her, "You do not feel like any creature we have ever seen."

"What I am is not important," Nya said, "What is important is changing the current system of this fucking planet. In the year I've been here, I've been tortured, experimented on, cut up and drugged, and to pass the time, I thought about how I'd do things better."

"Well we have over eight hundred omen in this camp alone, and more than four times that in all the other camps," one of the lieutenants said, "even with our phantasms locked and most of our powers sealed, we can still overtake the camp and launch an attack on the World Lord."

Nya chuckled, "You are kidding right? I've been in their systems, the World Lord has over two million soldiers at his command right now, not to mention all the citizens who will fight to support him and completely overwhelm you, and that's even if you survive taking the camp with the explosive failsafe in the inhibitor collars."


"The collars are designed to detonate via a remote trigger in case any omen got out of line." Nya explained, "I did a little experimenting of my own while on my rampage at the war department."

"So what do you suggest we do?" a lieutenant demanded

"We have swallowed our pride for too long already," another added

"What is our next move?" a third interjected

"SILENCE!" Nya commanded with such force, that every lieutenant silenced themselves and looked at her in awe and fear, she had jumped to her feet and was standing with her blood aura giving her an almost infernal demonic visage, especially with her glowing blue eyes and pitch black sclera. She took a second to compose herself, then took her seat again, recalling her ability.

"For now, bide your time," Nya advised, "gather strength and wait for the right moment. Leave the camp personnel to me,"

"What do you mean?"

"There is something off about this planet, I sensed it the moment I arrived," Nya explained, "there is some sort of psychic field, it doesn't affect omen, which is why you're all prisoners. I just need a little time to work out what it's doing."

"How much longer must we wait?" Mari asked,

"I have a plan, it will take a while before it is ready, but for now—" Nya activated her blood aura, multiple small tendrils struck at each of their collars, disabling them.

They all stared at her again, and Terror cleared his throat, "Well, I think this meeting is adjourned."

Over the next couple of weeks, Nya discreetly went to each and every member of the camp personnel and using her vampiric mesmer and simple hypnotic suggestion. The psychic field interfered with her ability to put them under full mesmer, so she had to be very careful about it, making it something that wouldn't contradict what the psychic field was doing to them. At the same time, she, along with all the other lieutenants, managed to convert all the omen at the camp to join their cause and she even disabled all their inhibitor collars for them. In about a month, the entire camp was more or less under her control, the camp still provided labor for the planet, and the staff all reported everything was normal, but after dark, the personnel all went into deep sleep and the omen could organize themselves.

One night, Terror and Mari met with Nya in her private quarters.

"What's up?" she asked, not taking her eyes off the diagram she had made of the capitol city and the World Lord's stronghold.

"What are you doing?" Mari asked

"Planning, running scenarios," Nya replied, "coming up with strategies and counter-strategies for the siege." She was grateful for her past experience as a soldier.

"But you said that the siege won't happen for at least another month and a half, at the least" Terror said

"That doesn't mean I can't start devising a winning strategy, or at least a strategy with the least amount of losses." Nya said

"What are our odds?"

"You don't want to know," Nya sighed, "but each day we get more information, I rerun the scenarios and shift the outcome away from total annihilation. Currently, I have us at a 32% chance of not dying."

"That's comforting," Mari said, "We have a 32% chance at success,"

"No, we have a 32% chance of us not getting all killed, us actually winning is just 13% so far."

"Less comforting," Mari said, "I'm just gonna go."

"You do that," Nya said

Mari pats Terror's shoulder before she leaves

"Mari is surprisingly invaluable," Nya said as soon as she left,

"Yeah, I don't think we could've convinced the hold outs at the camp to join us this fast if it wasn't for her," Terror commented, "she's good at getting people to listen."

"Yes, almost as good as she is in bed?" Nya asks


"I know you're fucking her," Nya turns around to look him in the eyes


"I'm observant. She good-looking, smart, tough, and she's got massive tits, all things you find attractive in your mate." Nya said

"Well, this is awkward."

"No, it really isn't."

"Then why did you just bring it up?" Terror asked

"Because you need to face the fact that she might end up dead at the end of this."

"You think I haven't thought of that?" Terror chided, "I've made friends here and I've considered the probability of them living to next year because of this revolt. I mean, the conditions we're in right now aren't the best but at least none of us have died." He then approached the table, "But I trust you with my life, so I should trust you with theirs too."

Nya groaned, "Great, not I have to rerun this whole damned siege again to minimalize casualties as much as I can,"

"Should I go?"

"No, oddly enough, I enjoy your company." Nya said, "And maybe another opinion couldn't hurt."

"Alright," Terror said, "What about Kiva? Any news?"

"She's still with the military adepts… actually, most of the adepts on the planet went to the military as soon as the World Lord took command, which means…"

"What does it mean?"

"Mana," Nya realized, "the psychic field it's made of mana."

"Yeah, and?"

"The military adepts are about a thousand strong, so how are they able to maintain a psychic field around an entire planet of this size constantly?"

"They can't," Terror realized, following her thought, "so what is keeping the psychic field up?"

"An origin. The World Lord is in possession of an origin."

"So what, is he a Regis like you?" Terror asked

"No, I would be able to sense it, he's not a Regis, but he somehow has a working origin maintaining the field, and I bet it's why everyone is so accepting. When we talked to Garo, he sounded disgruntled about the World Lord, but still didn't question his power,"

"So the World Lord is hypnotizing the whole planet?"

"More or less. I think its subliminal messaging, making them all believe they accepted him as their ruler, even if they don't like it."

"How does this help us?" Terror asked

"I'm not sure yet," Nya mused as she looked at her diagram,

"So, aside from that, what else do you need help with?" Terror asked

"Well, I'm simulating the response, should all omen camps suddenly start acting out all over the planet, that's nine camps, each would divert a large number of soldiers to suppress them, providing a window of opportunity for us at this camp to launch a siege on the capitol."

"That sounds like a plan,"

"The problem are the adepts, assuming Kiva is completely committed to them, she would probably teach them that bridge technique, so they could drop in on us at any time and that would be a serious problem."

"So we should take them out of the equation, right?"

"One problem at a time," Nya said, "first I need to go to the other camps and bring them under control."

"I'll send word to the other lieutenants in the other camps to expect you." Terror said, "you should get some rest,"

"Don't have time for that," Nya said, stifling a yawn, "I still need to figure out what to do about the adepts,"

"Alright, we'll I'm gonna turn in, busy day tomorrow."

Terror left with Nya still focused on her plans, running scenarios over and over again.