
"I caught the private investigator, don't worry about it."Momo assured. "Thank you"Yi Jie sighed massaging her forehead. "I heard Su Mo just made a deal with the Yi Young Master."Momo started "Yeah."Yi Jie replied. "Exactly how you plan it."Momo said. "Things are finally falling into place, despite all the delays."Yi Jie said. "It's going to be okay."Momo said.

Su Mo crumpled the documents in front of him. "Same orphanage, but they never met before? Impossible."Su Mo chuckled as if completely aware that Yi Jie intercept with his plan. "You may go."Su Mo said dismissing Ning.

Going home that night, Yi Jie and Su Shen are playing in the garden. Su Mo can hear the chuckles as soon as he got inside the villa. Maids stare at them in from a far in disbelief. "Go back to work."Su Mo ordered which led all of them separate ways. Removing his blazer, he put it on Yi Jie. "It's cold"he said. "Thank you"Yi Jie said.

"Dad!"Su Shen cheered hugging one of Su Mo's thigh. "What are you two up to?"Su Mo asked "Mom told me we can go to the theme park next week!"the child said. Su Mo eyed on Yi Jie as if telling her why he wasn't inform with the said plan. "Day?"he asked now looking at Yi Jie. "Saturday"she replied. Pulling out his phone, "Ning cleared my schedule for next Saturday."Su Mo said then he hang up.

"Dad is coming too! YAY"Su Shen cheered. Su Mo then later called the Nanny to bring Su Shen back to his room. "What's going on?"Yi Jie teased since Su Mo never cancel his meetings for a weekend family event. "The kid have been bugging me to bring him to the amusement park, I just don't want him to feel like I'm not fulfilling my promise."Su Mo lied.

"I'm gonna go upstairs."Yi Jie said excusing herself. "Yi Jie"Su Mo called, she stopped but didn't look back. "Was it your doing?"Su Mo asked "Su Mo, I only want what's best for our family. I don't have any bad intentions."Yi Jie said. "You don't have to get involve with my personal business, I can handle this matter alone."Yi Jie said then she left him.

Su Mo tightly clenched his fist. "I want to get involve. I want to help you."Su Mo sighed looking at the figure heading upstairs.

Looking at the woman peacefully sleeping on her side of the bed Su Mo frowned. He went back downstairs after freshening up to eat dinner with his son. "Dad, what about mom?"he asked "Tired, she fell asleep."Su Mo said. "Did you fight with her again?"the boy asked. "We can always cancel the theme park plan."Su Shen pouted. "It's not about that, we both want to go."Su Mo said "She's just tired from work."Su Mo replied with a gentle smile.

The boy then went ahead to eat his food after his Dad's assurance.