
Sun Xiaohong's legs went weak once she saw the body lay there, blood flowing from it. Cheng Lingsu's heart had thoroughly collapsed by the time she reached her father. She knelt there helplessly, crying bitterly. "Somebody! Help us!"

The entire street was in a mess right now.

Sun Xiaohong somehow crawled over there, sobbing with tears. "Hanlin… Hanlin… Don't leave me… I'm begging you, don't leave our daughters and me."


Cheng Lingsu's clothes were already dyed in blood. She wanted to embrace her father, but she knew that she shouldn't move him at this moment.

It was best to wait for the doctor!

However, since Cheng Hanlin wasn't moving at all, it didn't look good at all. If a person still had consciousness after getting hit by a car, it was still okay, but the worse case is no reaction. Moreover, the car had struck him too severely just now so the chances of him surviving were quite low.

Cheng Lingsu took her cell phone out. She didn't call 120 but instead called Jiang Xiu, "Jiang Xiu… Wuw… my dad… got hit by a car."

"Oh? And?"

Cheng Lingsu's heart collapsed yet again after hearing such an indifferent response from Jiang Xiu, "Jiang Xiu, he's my father and also your father-in-law. He's about to die, and you act like this. Are you even human?"

Jiang Xiu turned silent for a moment, "Where are you right now?"

"At the university entrance!"

Jiang Xiu recalled the car that was tailing Cheng Hanlin, it was Jiang Hao's car. It seemed like what Cheng Hanlin said at the doorway wasn't a lie. It was possible that the actual perpetrator behind his father going to prison was the Jiang family. They wanted to kill Cheng Hanlin to silence him.

"Is he still alive?"

Cheng Lingsu wailed, "I don't know. He's unconscious…"

"I'm coming over!"

This time, Jiang Xiu was quite fast. He transformed into a shadow as he jumped across the roofs. Cheng Lingsu didn't know how he had arrived here, but soon, she could already see him at a distance. He passed through the crowd quickly and reached her.

"Jiang Xiu… save my father."

Sirens echoed at a distance from the ambulance. Unfortunately, the road was blocked by the cars due to the accident so it could not reach here in time.

Jiang Xiu crouched beside Cheng Hanlin who had stopped breathing. His heart had also stopped. Jiang Xiu pulled Cheng Hanlin's lower eyelids down with his fingers which had taken the form of scissors. "His soul hasn't scattered yet!"

He bit his finger at touched Cheng Hanlin's Yin Palace then dragged it downwards, creating a bloodstain there. Immediately after that, he started chanting a spell.

Along with the spell's chant, the bloodstain on Cheng Hanlin's Yin Palace slowly blended into his body.

"He won't die…"

Cheng Lingsu was skeptical, but that bloodstain disappearing into Cheng Hanlin's forehead was pretty magical. Jiang Xiu explained, "A human's life or death depends on the soul, if the soul hasn't scattered, the person won't die."

Cheng Lingsu couldn't make sense of it, but she believed Jiang Xiu's words.

At this moment, she could only believe in Jiang Xiu.

Sun Xiaohong was entirely dumbstruck as if she had lost her soul. "Hanlin, don't leave us. What will we do if you're gone…"

The ambulance finally came over at this moment.

The medical personnel immediately moved Cheng Hanlin into the ambulance. Sun Xiaohong and Cheng Lingsu also wanted to get on the ambulance, but it was too crowded inside with two doctors, two nurses as well as oxygen tanks and other equipment. There wasn't enough place for both of them. Sun Xiaohong scrambled for it, "I'll go…"

The ambulance left for the hospital.

Jiang Xiu stopped a cab and left for the hospital along with Cheng Lingsu. On the way, Cheng Lingsu couldn't settle down due to the terrifying experience. She suddenly recalled something and immediately called Cheng Lingran, wailing loudly. "Sis, dad got hit by a car and was taken to the hospital."

Cheng Lingran dropped the cell phone due to the shocking news.

After arriving at the hospital, Cheng Hanlin was taken to the ER immediately. Cheng Lingran also rushed over there. The mother and daughter hugged each other and cried bitterly. Cheng Hanlin was their pillar, they didn't know what do without him.

Soon after, Jiang Yi and Lin Yueling also came over.

"How did this happen?"

Lin Yueling's eyes turned red after watching the three of them cry bitterly.

The doctor came out of the room at this moment. The three of them surrounded him to inquire about Cheng Hanlin. The doctor said, "The patient is quite lucky. More than half of bones are broken yet he still didn't die. He's stable now, but another operation is required. Only, it's better for you to prepare your hearts. Though he's alive, he can only spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair."

Tears flowed down from their eyes. This was better than what they had feared. "Doctor, can nothing be done?"

The doctor said, "This is already the best outcome."

Jiang Yi remained silent after hearing this and smoked a cigarette at the bedside. Although he hated Cheng Hanlin, now that he ended up like this, he couldn't feel hate for him anymore, only regret remained. Compared to the years he spent in prison, becoming a cripple was much worse. On the other hand, Jiang Xiu was faintly excited, feeling as if this was decreed by fate. In the previous timeline, a car had hit his father, making him a cripple and now, the one who got hit by the car was Cheng Hanlin.

Jiang Xiu pulled Sun Xiaohong to the side and questioned her, "Someone wants to kill you?"

Sun Xiaohong's expression morphed, but she shook her head in denial.

She didn't dare to say it. This time, it was Cheng Hanlin. Next time, the target would be her and then her two daughters.

"Is it the one who came today?"

Sun Xiaohong cried out, "How do you know?"

"Why does he want to kill you? Is related to my father getting imprisoned back then? Is that why they want to silence you?"

Since Jiang Xiu had already guessed this much, Sun Xiaohong didn't conceal it anymore. Tears kept falling from her eyes as she nodded. "Jiang Xiu. Your Uncle Cheng didn't betray your father on purpose. No, he was forced into doing it by the person who came to your house today. 12 years ago, he came to look for your Uncle Cheng and made him bring down your father…"

Jiang Xiu's face turned gloomier. He had already realized this was the case when he learned that Cheng Hanlin got hit by a car. Now, he had received confirmation through Sun Xiaohong.

"Please forgive your Uncle Cheng. That man threatened him using our lives back then. Your Uncle Cheng was helpless back then. 12 years ago, a car almost ran over Susu and me."

The operation lasted 9 hours, and four doctors swapped roles during this operation. After that, Cheng Hanlin was placed in the ICU, and Sun Xiaohong kept guard at the hospital bed.

The Cheng sisters were busy handling the procedures.

It was the Mid-autumn festival tomorrow. It was supposed to be a happy reunion party spent with the family, and also the first occasion spent together for both the families after Cheng Lingsu and Jiang Xiu got married, but the situation had taken such a turn.

Cheng Hanlin woke around 10 AM on the next day.

"Hanlin, you're awake?"

Cheng Hanlin spent a great effort to speak, "I-I'm alive?"

"Bah! Stop saying ill words."

The two sisters rushed over and tried to reveal a smile. Cheng Lingran said, "Dad, don't worry and overthink things. Recuperate well. We're here for you."

Cheng Lingsu also smiled, "Yes. The doctor said that what you need most is spirit right now. You'll definitely be able to get up from the bed if you have the will."

"No. We need to quickly leave the Imperial Capital."

"He won't let us live."

The Cheng sisters' expression changed suddenly. Cheng Lingran asked him, "Dad, what did you say? This wasn't an accident? Someone tried to murder you?" The police had come over, and they too believed it was a premeditated murder attempt.

Cheng Hanlin realized he had slipped.

"Don't hide it." Sun Xiaohong said.

Sun Xiaohong explained whatever she knew about the matter and Cheng Hanlin covered the remaining parts. After listening, Cheng Lingsu said, "So you're saying that the reason for it is Uncle Jiang's family."

"They even wanted to silence you and mother?"

Sun Xiaohong said, "Susu, don't flare up. Jiang Xiu said he'll handle it."

Right now, Jiang Xiu's entire family had set off from home in a car arranged by the Jiang family to take them over for the Mid-autumn festival. The Jiang couple had already planned it well ever since they came to the Imperial Capital. Moreover, since Jiang Hao had visited their home yesterday, they felt it was logical to do it.

None of the three spoke inside the car. This Mid-autumn festival reunion feast wasn't easy to stomach. If Jiang Yi wanted to return, Jiang Xiu would have to dump Cheng Lingsu and marry the girl from the Nangong family.

The car didn't leave for Jiang Yishan's house but instead went towards the famous Little Old Summer Palace at the Donglu Mountain.

"We've arrived!"

The car stopped inside the manor.

The Mid-autumn festival is a family feast so it ought to have been arranged at Jiang Yishan's residence, but the today's business was pretty special. It wasn't just the Mid-autumn festival today but also the day of the Demigod battle between Jiang Luoxia and Ji Wudao. The venue was set at the Donglu Mountain especially by Jiang Yishan because he wanted everyone to see how Ji Wudao kills Jiang Luoxia so that he could intimidate them and cement the Jiang family's strength further, pulling it back from its current desperate straits.

Jiang Yi didn't feel even a little happier when he got down the car and saw the place where he had spent his youth. He could only sigh. In a blink, he had already become 50 years old and about to embrace the vicissitudes. The teen who used to run around here back then never thought that fate would be so harsh to him.

Lin Yueling got down the car and grabbed his arm. At this moment, she wanted to stand beside her husband with resolution. She hadn't backed down during those 20 years of trails and hardships so there was no way she would back down now.

Jiang Xiu stood behind them.

"You're here!"

Jiang Hao welcomed him at the doorway and led them inside, "First Brother, Third Brother, Fourth Brother. Fifth Brother has finally arrived…"

"They are accompanying Father inside."

Jiang Yishan had five sons and two daughters. The total people numbered pretty high after adding the outer relatives, and the three generations of the family gathered together. The manor was unusually lively right now. This year's Mid-autumn festival was foreordained to be different from the usual. Although many of them had received the news long ago and knew the root cause, they were still pretty shocked.

Jiang Yi appearing at the courtyard was that special an occasion.

"You've returned!"

Jiang Yishan was seated on the old wooden armchair, waiting for their family to come over.


Jiang Yi also responded in a manner lacking with respect. The matter from a decade ago as well as a few months ago had already left them father and son estranged from each other. The reason he had come here was to see whether the other side would repent.

Jiang Hao chipped in, "Jiang Xiu, this is your Grandfather. Call him Grandfather!"

He knew Jiang Yi, and Lin Yueling wouldn't address appropriately so he could only coax the child, Jiang Xiu.

"Call him Grandfather?"

This was the best joke Jiang Xiu had heard in all his life, almost making him laughed out. He looked at Jiang Hao as if he were an idiot.

Jiang Hao was left in an awkward situation now.

He actually tried to dupe the majestic Mr. Jiang as if he were a child.

The Elder spoke out at this moment, "You're no good, and the son you've raised up is the same as well." He looked at Jiang Xiu and made a great effort to calm himself, expressing goodwill in the expression of guidance he had assumed. "At the very least, if a person doesn't even know how to act with courtesy, he wouldn't achieve much when he enters the society in the future."

The other children of the Jiang family were quite amazed. They had never seen the Elder act so amiably with any of, the younger generation, not even Jiang Hao whom he doted on the most.

If it weren't for the Jiang family suffering an attack and the need for this brat to marry the Nangong family's girl, the Elder wouldn't have acted so kindly to him. Jiang Yi's son is indeed quite lucky. Such thoughts were going through their minds.

"Youngest, Yueling, come sit here."

When Jiang Hao saw Jiang Xiu sit as well, he said, "The adults need to talk, why don't you have fun with the other kids?"

"Jiang Zhang, take Jiang Xiu out…"

A youth, who looked around 2-3 years older than Jiang Xiu and had a tall figure, walked towards them from a distance. "Come. I'll take you along to have some fun."

Jiang Xiu almost laughed. They were really treating him like a child. Lin Yueling knew Jiang Xiu's character and was worried he would mess up the matter. "Go with him, okay?"

The party had just begun, and he didn't wish to face these people as well, so he stood up after his mother told him to go.

"The reason I've specially invited your family from Jiangnan today is that I have a matter to consult with you about. A few days ago, as I was drinking tea with your Uncle Nangong, he mentioned that Kou'er already old enough and reached the age of marriage. I already promised him that the wedding shall happen as soon as possible." Jiang Yishan spoke as if he were passing down an order instead of consulting with them.

Indeed, what ought to have come had arrived in the end.

Jiang Yi's expression turned ugly. He still held a bit of hope, but this final hope was destroyed by these words. Did you call our family back so that you can use Jiang Xiu to maintain your relations with the Nangong family through a marriage?

He stiffly spewed out the words, "You're late!"

"What do you mean?"

Jiang Yi continued, "Little Xiu has already married the girl with whom he was engaged in his childhood, Cheng Lingsu. She's a lovely, smart girl. I and Yueling like her very much."

As soon as these words were spoken out, the temperature of the entire manor fell by a few degrees.


Elder Jiang's eyes twitched, "How could you let Jiang Xiu marry without my permission? What do you take the promise I made to Old Man Nangong for?"

Elder Jiang scolded in a fury. Many of his positions were taken away, and he currently lacked enough authority to pass through this storm. All of his hope laid with the Nangong family but… He stood up in anger, "You disgraceful thing!"

Jiang Yi and Lin Yueling's expressions turned stiff. They should've never harbored hope at all.

The other members of the Jiang family looked at them with a sour expression as well, as if they had committed a huge crime.

Elder Jiang suppressed his anger and sat down again, "Let it be. It's useless to quarrel since it's already done. Make them split. Fortunately, it's a girl from an ordinary family so we can seal their mouths."

"Impossible. As parents, how can we make our son divorce his wife?" He wasn't that attached to this matter like Lin Yueling, but since the Cheng family had just suffered an incident, he didn't have the heart to do something like that.

"Did he marry on his own will? Isn't it just you forcing him? What's the difference between you and me then? You're just troubling the child."

Jiang Yi revealed a dazed expression after hearing these words. Lin Yueling was the same as well. Even they couldn't declare whether Jiang Xiu really liked Cheng Lingsu or not.

"Let the child make a choice. Since I wasn't able to change your decision, you too must not hinder his choice."

"What do you mean?" Jiang Yi asked him.

Elder Jiang asked Jiang Hao, "That lass from the Nangong family has arrived?"

"Yes. She's planning tennis on the tennis court. Jiang Zhan took him over there…"

The manor was quite large. The name 'Little Old Summer Palace' wasn't just for namesake. It had everything, even a few golf courses, let alone a tennis court.

Jiang Zhan jumped into his mountain car and made Jiang Xiu sit behind him, "Brat, sit tight. Don't blame me if you fall off while I drive the car."


The car drove at a fast speed, and Jiang Zhan deliberately chose a route with many windings as well as ups and downs in the topography instead of the leveled road. He continued doing this for over 10 minutes yet discovered that Jiang Xiu hadn't fallen off at all.

After passing through a field, he finally entered the open sports playground. The sounds of tennis shots were audible from a distance. "Can you play tennis? How about a game?"


A tennis shot from a Demigod was enough to blow away a car.

When Jiang Xiu got down the car and entered inside, he saw there wasn't anyone there except for a single person hitting the ball in the area. It was a tall girl who wore a white T-shirt as well as a white tennis skirt, revealing her slender, beautiful legs outside, matching with a pair of pink sports shoes. The sweat which had formed from running glistened the sunshine.

Looking at her from a distance, Jiang Xiu felt that this girl was a little familiar-looking as if he had seen her somewhere. He kept looking at her as she prepared to receive the served ball. Her back was facing Jiang Xiu as her butt rose up and body bent down, moving left and right rhythmically. She reacted quickly as the ball came over, giving out a lovely cry as he hit it. "Hei!"

It was a powerful counter.

Jiang Zhan came beside Jiang Xiu, "Do you like the view?"

Jiang Xiu didn't reply to him. Everyone says that girls are attracted to boys who play sports, but boys are attracted to girls who play sports as well. That aura exuded by the body as well as that curvaceous, lithe body indeed drew a lot of gazes, preventing them from looking elsewhere.

A pretty tennis girl could just intoxicate a man.

"Come. Let's go in!"

Jiang Xiu went inside along with him. The girl heard the footsteps and turned around to look. Jiang Xiu could see her face clearly at this moment, it was none other than the girl who had fatefully met him in Jiang City, Nangong Kou'er.

Jiang Xiu revealed a polite smile facing this unexpected encounter with an old friend. Our Deity Xiu always acted a bit politer towards girls, but he didn't expect Nangong Kou'er to just give him a mere glance, showing no change in her expression, then continue playing tennis.

Hmm? Jiang Xiu was astonished. Did she already forget about the matter or is she deliberately pretending she doesn't know who I am? You're really something. I even saved your life in Jiang City.

You are going to fall out with me now that we're in the Imperial City?

Jiang Zhan patted Jiang Xiu's shoulder, "How about it? Want me to introduce you?"

Jiang sniggered in his heart. Since you're planning to act like you don't know me, why would I tangle myself with you? Jiang Xiu also had no intentions of interacting with Nangong Kou'er.

Without even waiting for Jiang Xiu's answer, Jiang Zhan dashed over towards the other girl, "Sis You…"

The other girl stopped.

She wore a pale blue T-shirt as well as a tennis skirt. She left the tennis racked behind and came over, "Yo! Little Zhan, what are you doing over here?" Her sight fell on Jiang Xiu, "Who is this?"

"That family's son." Jiang Zhan commented.

The girl's expression turned serious. She was around 25-26 years old and elder than both of them. She sized Jiang Xiu up and down once as Jiang Zhan introduced her, "She's Third Uncle's daughter, Jiang You."

She asked, "How about it? You wanna play together?"

"Okay. Since there's four of us, let's play doubles." Jiang Zhan added in.

"I can't play!" Our Deity Xiu wasn't acting modestly right now. He really didn't know how to play. Moreover, since Nangong Kou'er was acting as if she didn't know him, there was no need for him to seek trouble.

"It's okay. How about you pair with me? Little Zhan, you can pair with Kou'er."

"Sis You, how about I pair with you?" Jiang Zhan had a mission this time, to play as the matchmaker between those two so he wanted to group them together, but it looked his elder sister had other plans.

"Stop dallying! Let's begin!"

A mutual understanding was required to play doubles, but there was an exception to this, which were people with extremely high skills than their partner's. As Jiang Xiu prepared to serve the ball, Nangong Kou'er, on the opposite side, shook her head. What an unorthodox posture. Looks like he's a complete amateur. Who is this guy? Did he agree to play even though he doesn't know how to? This is just a waste of my time.

"Beauty, my serve is quite fierce!"

Nangong Kou'er rolled her eyes in disdain. Say those words when you manage to serve skillfully, okay?

"Bring it on!"

Jiang Xiu threw the ball up in the sky and just like those ethereal figures on TV, he hit the ball with the racket flawlessly then shouted at her, "Ooh, be careful!"

Nangong Kou'er was frightened. She believed Jiang Xiu would miss the ball, but it had come over very quickly with high momentum and force. By the time she waved her racket in a hurry, the ball had already passed by it and hit her body. Luckily, it only hurt her a little but what was humiliating was that this guy was too shameless and immoral. He had targeted her left breast.

Moreover, Nangong Kou'er wore a white shirt, so the stamp on her left breast was quite conspicuous.

The girl's face flushed up. She bit her lips with shame while that guy added salt on the wound, "Oof. Beauty, are you okay? Does it hurt there?"

What are you pointing it out for?!

Things like these happened if one were careless while playing tennis, but if someone said it out loud in public, it would be a little embarrassing.


"I'm fine!"

Jiang Xiu gave her a thumbs up, "Stronk. Northern girls are indeed stronk. If it were our Jiangnan's girls', they would weep endlessly."

Nangong Kou'er almost puked two mouthfuls of blood out. This guy really had a way with words. The entire meaning had changed. Who did you say is stronk?! You're stronk! Your whole family is stronk! This Lady is much softer.

"Once more!"

She plotted a plan to retaliate against him in an even more ruthless way.

"Alright. Remember, my serve is quite fierce!"

This time, our Lady Kou'er had prepared herself mentally. Though that guy's movements were unorthodox, his serves packed quite the force and were so fast that it was difficult to receive them.

"Beauty, be careful!"


As Lady Kou'er saw the ball fly over, perhaps due to the shadow left behind in her heart from a few moments ago, she felt the place she got hit before hurt a little and subconsciously tensed up a bit. She waved the racket in a rush but missed the ball again. The ball accurately hit her right breast, giving her even more pain than the last time.


What's even more hateful was that guy even screamed as if he was on the one who got hit. It was too shameless.

Now, there was a stamp of a tennis ball on her right side as well. Both the left and right were attacked, none able to escape from his evil clutches, and that too in such a public place, it was really… Even if she had a thick face, she couldn't endure the shame.

Scoundrel, stinky immoral rogue.

"Oi, are you trying to hit the ball or hit the person?"

After seeing Nangong Kou'er suffer losses, Jiang You couldn't stay silent and retorted savagely.

Nangong Kou'er bit her lips. Perhaps because she was enduring the pain or the shame, her face had become wholly flushed, looking inexplicably attractive. She glared at Jiang Xiu viciously, desiring an explanation from him.

Such a coincidence didn't occur in this world, she believed it was done on purpose.

This person was really too shameless.

Jiang Xiu said innocently, "I already said I can't play."

"Beauty, are you alright?"

How can you target so accurately if you can't play? It was clearly done on purpose, but conceding wasn't in Nangong Kou'er's nature.

"I'm fine. Let's continue."

Once again, Jiang Xiu gave a thumbs up to her shamelessly, "Stronk!"

Nangong Kou'er wished she could go smash his head with her tennis racket.

Jiang You said, "Since you can't play, let me serve."

After Jiang You served the ball, the match advanced smoothly. However, Jiang Xiu, this shameless guy always returned the ball towards Nangong Kou'er and even used that hateful mouth of his to call out weirdly each time he returned the serve.

"Beauty, here I come!"

"Beauty, be careful!"


Nangong Kou'er didn't dare to receive the incoming ball coming over at a fast speed and let it go. Just being able to evade it felt like a grace from Buddha to her, so she didn't even dare to think about fighting back. However, she suddenly felt her buttocks hurt. The tennis ball had rebounded after striking the net and smashed right on top of her butt, making her bite her lips once again. Scoundrel!

Nangong Kou'er was furious and embarrassed. She vowed to never play tennis with this man again. He was simply too shameless, a low scum of society, a Scrooge.

Everyone sat down to rest after finishing a match with great difficulty. Jiang Zhan pulled Jiang You along to buy beverages, leaving behind the other two. Jiang Xiu asked her, "Beauty, the shots just now didn't hurt you, right?"

Nangong Kou'er resisted the urge to bite him and treated him with indifference. No matter how well our Lady Nangong Kou'er was brought up, she had no intentions of treating him with courtesy. She had never seen such an obscene, classless man like him.

Jiang Xiu sat opposite to her, "Aaah. Lady Nangong's style has really changed after leaving Jiang City."


Nangong Kou'er looked towards Jiang Xiu in shock, "Jiang City? How do you know I went to Jiang City? You are…" She felt that this guy indeed looked a little familiar.

"Looks like you've really forgotten me."

I never knew such a shameless person like you. But she felt quite strange. I only met a few people in Jiang City… Suddenly, she recalled something, "You are… that…"

"You really forgot." It seemed like she wasn't pretending to not know him and had really forgotten her and he had mistakenly made her suffer. "I stopped your Ferrari and saved your life. Before leaving, you gave your phone number to me."

Nangong Kou'er's eyes glowed, "It's you. That, Jiang…"

Indeed, this was a heavy hit.

The feeling of being forgotten by a girl was indeed no good.

"Jiang Luoxia!"

"Yeeeaahhhh…" Nangong Kou'er continued, "It's indeed you. I remember you were a good person. Why did you…" She was about to say 'why did you become so shameless,' but didn't have the nerve to say that.

Jiang Xiu replied helplessly, "Due to a misunderstanding. I thought…"

Nangong Kou'er realized that he thought she had deliberately acted like she didn't know him. She too felt helpless, "That's why you bullied me? You're indeed a scoundrel."

"Let's have another match. I'll let you do as you wish."

Nangong Kou'er was about to refuse him, feeling as if it was beneath her to something like that, but suddenly, a cold expression overcame her face, "You aren't allowed to dodge. The person who dodges is a dog…" She dashed towards the tennis court with a murderous look on her face.


Nangong Kou'er ruthlessly hit Jiang Xiu with the ball several times. He even screamed wretchedly on purpose, making her even angrier. She gave him a beautiful and charming glance then returned to the chair in a fit of anger, "Didn't I tell you to call me when you arrive at the Imperial Capital? Why didn't you call? This kind of misunderstanding wouldn't have occurred then. I'm telling you, this matter isn't done. You have to properly repent for it."

"Okay. I was in the wrong this time."

"Let's rest first!"

Jiang Zhan and Jiang You finally returned with water, "Here, drink some water." He handed over a bottle of mineral water.

Jiang Xiu also felt thirsty after moving for so long, so he didn't ponder on it much and gulped down the water, licking his lips once he was done. "How come the flavor is a bit strange?"

Jiang Zhan evaded his gaze a little, "What? That's not possible!"

Nangong Kou'er also furrowed her brows a bit, "The flavor is indeed a little strange. This hasn't expired, right?"

Jiang Zhan said, "How can that be? This is Donglu Mountain. No one would dare to do that! This water is specially brought over from the springs in the Alps. Don't worry."

Jiang Xiu smiled sarcastically. Even the drinking water was arranged specially. However, he didn't think about it much and drank the entire bottle.

"We're full of sweat. Let's go take a bath."

The party walked into the sports building. Jiang Xiu felt a little dizzy. He felt something was wrong. His body felt hot, and when he turned to look at Nangong Kou'er, he noticed her face was flushed as well. Something was wrong with both of them.

The moment his gaze met with Nangong Kou'er's gaze, Jiang Xiu felt his body warm up even more. Nangong Kou'er smiled at this petty, annoying guy who was looking at her rudely. She glared back at him, yet at this moment, she was completely unaware how amorous her expression seemed, her eyes glistening with the waters of spring. This single glance was quite seductive. "What are you looking at…"

"How would you know whether I'm looking at you without you looking back at me?"

Nangong Kou'er couldn't stop herself from laughing, "Naïve!"

They reached in front of the changing rooms. The left one was for the boys and the right one for the girls. Each of them went ahead to take a bath. Nangong Kou'er started the shower and let the warm hater cleanse her body yet Jiang Xiu's appearance kept flashing through her mind.

The weird feeling in her chest became more intense after recalling how he had evilly attacked those embarrassing locations of her body.

"Why do I recall him right now?"

Her heart skipped a bit while her face was on fire. Nangong Kou'er was frightened by this sensation. She immediately turned the knob towards the cold-water notch to clear her head.

A strange pink tint had appeared on her clean snow-like skin.

Her mind and thoughts became weirder.

"What's happening?"

Nangong Kou'er felt her breathing become hurried as if she was losing control of herself.

She washed up and quickly ran out.

She looked pretty fresh after taking a bath. Her pretty hair hadn't dried yet and stuck to her forehead. Those tender cheeks were thoroughly flushed and lips luscious. She found Jiang Xiu had already come out after going outside, "You're quite fast!"

Jiang Xiu nodded while taking a gulp of water. He felt something wrong with his body as he was taking a bath. His body had become quite warm and felt an urge to release this heat. Especially so when the shower water fell on his body, it stimulated his nerves.

"Where are they?"

"Ought to be in the lobby!"

Jiang Xiu finished the bottle of water and planned to leave by pulling the door, but he discovered that it was locked. He pulled it a few times but it was of no use. "The door isn't opening."

"Let me try…"

Nangong Kou'er came over and along with her came a seductive delicate fragrance. Her damp hair stuck to Jiang Xiu's cheeks.

"Huh. It's really not opening."

Jiang Zhan's voice came through from outside at this moment, "Stop pulling it. The door is locked. Both of you can enjoy a beautiful time inside, okay?"

A man and a woman, locked inside a room. This room was a club-type room which in itself was a bit titillating. The intentions the other side wanted to convey was pretty clear.

"Jiang Zhan. Stop playing around. This matter isn't something you can kid around with."

"I'm not kidding around. Anyway, it's bound to happen sooner or later so it won't matter if it happens in advance. Looks like you still don't know who that guy is? Let me give a grand introduction to you. Kou'er, that guy beside you is the child with whom Grandfather had engaged to you in your childhood, Jiang Xiu."


Nangong Kou'er looked at Jiang Xiu with a stupefied face, "You're Jiang Xiu? Didn't you say you're someone else? Wait, wasn't that fatty Jiang Xiu? Good, really good. You duped me, right?"

Jiang Xiu ignored her and hit the door, saying a cold voice, "Open the door!"

Nangong Kou'er glared at Jiang Xiu. She felt hurt emotionally due to Jiang Xiu. I treated you as a friend, but you actually duped me all the time. She wasn't bothered about being locked in the room right now.

"I believe you aren't a bad person. Since you knew who I was, why didn't you tell me who you were back then? Why did you point towards that fatty to disgust me?"

"Don't say things like that. That kid is quite talented."

Our guy was indeed something.

"So you're saying that I'm in the wrong? That I'm a superficial person, who judges people by their appearance?" Nangong Kou'er was indeed furious this time. She had a good opinion towards Jiang Xiu before, but now, she was really baffled by this person's extreme and barbarian method. She never expected he was such a nasty person.

"I never said that!"

"So you don't think I'm suitable then? You don't like me? This Lady doesn't like you as well." Nangong Kou'er continued, "Our engagement is just a marriage of convenience, our intentions don't matter at all…"

Jiang Xiu could see that she was genuinely furious, so he explained. "I really didn't have such intentions. You're quite pretty and talented with a demonic character and angelic figure…" He carelessly swapped the words but corrected himself immediately, "No, an angelic character and demonic figure."

Nangong Kou'er wasn't pleased by his false praise at all. She had clearly seen through this guy. "That's enough! Shut your mouth, you gigolo!"

"Who are you calling a gigolo?"

Though Nangong Kou'er was angry, she couldn't help but want to laugh out. She had just said it following the flow but wasn't expecting this guy would get hooked on it. She couldn't be blamed for it. "Please don't dishonor gigolos, okay!"

Jiang Xiu made a wry face, "There's no need to mock me so much, right?"

"You deserve it!"

"I have never met such an annoying guy like you."

Jiang Xiu replied, "That, Nangong Kou'er… Though I was in the wrong here, the reason I had concealed my identity back then was to avoid an awkward situation from arising. Moreover, what I said back then was true. You really don't need to marry. You can marry whoever you like. You can rest assured of this. I promise you that."

Nangong Kou'er looked at him skeptically, "Really? Won't the Jiang family pressure you?"

Jiang Xiu smiled coolly, "Jiang family? Pressure me? They are useless trash."

Nangong Kou'er rolled her eyes. The other side was the Jiang family. Elder Jiang was pretty famous for his craziness. "You can really boast. You say you're quite amazing yet weren't you locked inside this room as well?"

Now that she mentioned this matter, Jiang Xiu indeed felt he was naïve this time and got caught in their cheap trick.

You think this can stop me?

Just a kick is enough to open this door.

"Hey. Do you feel hot?"

"I feel hot all over."

Jiang Xiu's gaze turned fiery as well. At the moment their gazes met each other's, a kind of primal thirst welled up inside them.

It was quite easy for a spark to act as the trigger when a man and woman were enclosed in a sealed space.


It was unclear who gulped first.

Jiang Xiu gazed at Nangong Kou'er face fervently, feeling as if her cheeks had become lovelier. Her eyes grew hazy as well. She felt as if his face was meticulously carved out of marble, looking quite dashing. She subconsciously extended her hand to caress his face.

Jiang Xiu became a little agitated as well, "What's up with you?"


Why are you caressing my face then? Since you did it, don't blame me for returning it to you. Thereupon, he too extended his hand. Nangong Kou'er almost suffocated due to the nervousness and subconsciously closed her eyes. She felt Jiang Xiu's fingers trace along her face softly. It made her quiver and collapse. Jiang Xiu had already supported her with his hand, parting hair to the side to reveal her face. "I'll tell them to open the door."


Nangong Kou'er continued, "I-I feel like I'm floating…" Of course, she wasn't floating. She had tip-toed and kissed sealed Jiang Xiu's lips with hers.

Yep, she was acting like an imp, but our Deity Xiu has never feared an imp. Since you kissed me, I'll kiss you back, return it tens and hundreds of times. Our Deity Xiu was always so merciless.

"We can't…!"

"Mhm, nooo!"

You keep saying no but aren't you the one lifting my shirt?

"We can't do this…"

"I'm not such a bad girl…"

Upon meeting under the golden evening winds amidst the autumn dew, they shared an experience no one in the world could ever understand, not even a million words are enough to explain it.

At this moment, Jiang Zhan was listening to the activities happening inside the room. In the beginning, he thought Nangong Kou'er was acting, but later on, he had no choice but to believe everything happening inside was real as it sounded too lifelike. He kept listening in for 30 minutes. If they were faking it, they wouldn't have done it so realistically. He snapped his fingers. "Success. I'm really looking forward to the reward for completing this task."

"A Ferrari should be no problem, right?"

Jiang Zhan left cheerfully to report the success.

Right now, the Elder, as well as the others, were playing nice with the Jiang couple in the manor, but they were actually waiting for the result. When Elder Jiang saw Jiang Zhan return and show an 'OK' gesture, he suddenly burst out in laughter.

Since the rice was already cooked, he wanted to see whether Jiang Yi's family would assume responsibility!

When Nangong Kou'er woke up, she discovered she was laying on the bed of the room, lying in the wide, warm embrace of that guy. The sunset glow peeked into the room through the cracks of the window, leaving a long array of lights on the messy bed. She sprung up in alarm, causing the sheet to slide off her, just in time to discover that guy staring at her in a daze.

She grabbed the sheet and covered her body again, biting her luscious lips with shame and anger. She suddenly gave a hard slap to Jiang Xiu, "Rascal… you almost killed me…"

Jiang Xiu clasped his cheek, assuming an innocent expression.

After hitting him, she glared at Jiang Xiu grimly. She never thought her first time would be snatched away by this guy in such a manner. Her eyes turned red gradually, tears filling them, grief, helplessness as well as bitterness flashing through them… She could remember everything very clearly, even all the tiny details. All the time, she was the one who couldn't control herself and acted more proactively than him.

After this stifling atmosphere lasted for a good while, the words Jiang Xiu said left her speechless. "I've really become a gigolo."

Nangong Kou'er wasn't in the mood to joke with him. She knew he wasn't to blame for this matter. Since she and he were locked into the room, resulting in such an incident to happen, it was clearly a premeditated plan. She guessed that something must've been wrong with the water in the bottles. They were both drugged.

However, what's done is done. Her virginity was taken away by him.

According to logic, since Nangong Kou'er was unmarried and had her maiden chastity sullied by Jiang Xiu, he must assume responsibility for it by marrying Nangong Kou'er and take her as his wife, but this wasn't such a simple matter as he had a wife. After some time, he finally said, "I-I already have a wife."

Nangong Kou'er's pretty face went slightly stiff, immediately after which she laughed hoarsely, "Are you worried that I'll ask you to assume responsibility by marrying me? J-Jiang Xiu, right? Do you even know what my most cherished desire is? Stop thinking your affection will always get reciprocated, okay?"

She crawled up after saying this to clean up. Her lower body hurt a lot, and her white clothes were stained with many red dots. Of course, it wasn't dirt but rather proof of her shattered maidenhood…

She went into the bathroom and turned the shower on, the scenes from a while ago flashing through her mind. She felt quite embarrassed as well as a bizarre feeling, but it dispersed immediately, replaced by worry. She was worried about whether she would get pregnant due to this.

After coming out, she wiped her damp hair. Today, she had to take two baths even before the sky had darkened. She noticed Jiang Xiu sitting on the chair in a neat attire. "Why didn't you leave?"

Jiang Xiu said, "Many NGOs say that after a girl's first time, her body and mind experience a huge change and that they worry too much…"


Nangong Kou'er laughed, "As if! It was bound to happen sometime. It would be someone else if not you. Looking at your ice-cold nature, you don't seem like someone who cares about a girl. You haven't remained behind to get your fee from me, right?"


This girl was indeed too daring to say such words.


A knocking sound came from the door suddenly, after which the door was opened from outside. Jiang Zhan walked inside while giggling, "Did you both enjoy your time? Either way, the future is long. The Elder is waiting for you. The dinner party is about to begin as well."

Nangong Kou'er's face became flushed as she curled her hair to the back of her ear unnaturally, revealing her earlobes which were turning redder at speed visible to the naked eye. This was too humiliating. The methods of the Jiang family are really too dirty.

"Let's go!"

Jiang Xiu walked out, but Jiang Zhan stopped him, pointing towards his neck. There was a mirror on the side. Jiang Xiu took a look and was left speechless. Nangong Kou'er also covered her face with both her hands. There was a violet hickey left on Jiang Xiu's neck. Lady Kou'er had bitten with her mouth too fiercely this time.

Jiang Xiu raised his collar barely cover it up.

It was already dusk by the time they left the tennis club. It wasn't even noon when Jiang Xiu had arrived here and the entire afternoon had passed by already.

"He's back! Jiang Xiu is back…"

The courtyard became lively immediately. When Jiang Xiu went inside, all the people looked at him with a peculiar gaze, and some of the girls even laughed while covering their mouths.

There were many people in the Jiang family, so plenty of tables were prepared. Those who sat on the same table as Elder Jiang were all the important members of the family. According to the rules, as a member of the third generation of the family, Jiang Xiu didn't have the qualifications to sit at this table, but Elder Jiang made an exception this year.

Elder Jiang wore a wise look on his face, "Little Xiu, you have anything to say? What are your plans about the matter between you and Kou'er?"

Jiang Yi and Lin Yueling's expressions turned ugly.

"What plans?" Jiang Xiu replied.

"Don't tell me nothing happened inside the room where you and Kou'er spent the entire afternoon. A true man dares to do what he wants to. You only have one path ahead of you right now, that's to divorce that Cheng girl and take Kou'er as your wife."

This old fellow's tone was completing different from how he spoke in the morning. He sounded full of arrogance as if he were passing down an order.

"This matter was arranged by you. You drugged the water I drank."

"So what? No matter whether you both were willing or not, what's done is done. Nangong Kou'er isn't some ordinary family's girl. She's also a good girl. Don't think you can shrink away from taking responsibility for your actions."

Jiang Yi and Lin Yueling's faces were full of worry.

Though they were feeling indignant at such a thing happening, they really didn't know how to handle this matter.

Elder Jiang continued, "If you take Kou'er as your wife, I'll let your parents return to the Jiang family. Our entire family can finally reunite with each other. At that time, we can live under one roof, and you will become the young master of the family. What's there not to feel happy about regarding this?"

Jiang Xiu laughed out in response to these words. He stopped laughing after an entire minute passed by.

Everyone frowned at him.

"Why are you laughing?"

"12 years ago, you didn't save my father and let him go to prison, destroying a family, leaving the wife without her husband and son without his father. Why didn't you think of reuniting the families back then?"

Elder Jiang's expression turned sour.

Jiang Xiu continued, "Six months ago, I killed a person of the Tang family to take revenge for my father. The mayor of the Ninghai City, Tang Zhengping vowed he will execute me. My father called you and begged you to save me but why didn't you think of reuniting the families back then?"

"You didn't recall us back then, but you finally remembered us now. Why?"

Elder Jiang's expression turned darker, the entire space seemed to have frozen.

"Let me tell you the reason. It's because your Jiang family offended someone and met a powerful enemy. You sent Crown Prince Ao to Jiangnan to show off, thinking you were a monarch facing the commoners jumping like clowns in front of you, but as a result, all the officials whom your Jiang family relied on were killed cleanly overnight and led to unrest in Jiangnan. It also caused many leaders residing in the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse to feel resentful towards your Jiang family. Your positions were removed immediately due to your sin."

"Jiang Yishan, you're finished."

"Your Jiang family is also finished."

Each and every sentence said by Jiang Xiu bore into Elder Jiang's heart like a needle stab. Some of the other Jiang family members who weren't clear of the situation were also shocked.

Elder Jiang's body began to shudder. Jiang Chang and Jiang Hao, as well as the other brothers' expressions, were ashen as well.

Jiang Xiu ignored all of them, "That's why you need the Nangong family to help the Jiang family rise out of this crisis. In other words, you need me to save your Jiang family."

"Am I right, Jiang Yishan?"

Elder Jiang glared at Jiang Xiu angrily, "Audacious!"

"Do you think I'll agree?"

At this moment, Elder Jiang, as well as the other members of the Jiang family, looked at him with fury but also a tiny bit of hope.

Jiang Xiu laughed once again after seeing this, answering his own question. "You must be thinking I will agree and that my parents will also agree because you know their hearts are too soft. They aren't people like you who don't even spare your own children."

He shouted, "Bring him in!"

The door was opened, and a person got dragged inside.Everyone was quite amazed. They didn't know why he had brought a person over as if he was planning to confront the Jiang family.

That person got dragged over and thrown on the ground. When he raised his head, everyone saw his badly battered face and recognized it immediately. It was Jiang Hao's driver.

"Old Fu!"

Jiang Hao rose up from his seat immediately. He pointed towards the driver and spoke with fury, "Jiang Xiu, w-what are you doing?" Only, Jiang Hao acted a bit weak due to the matter which had happened yesterday.

"Don't you already know it?" Jiang Xiu questioned back.

After the accident, the driver had escaped. Jiang Xiu made the Wang family's members grab him on that very night. This guy was too calm. He crashed the car into a person and returned back home as if nothing had happened at all, eating his full and then sleeping. It was clear that this wasn't the first time he had done something like this. Otherwise, he wouldn't have remained so calm.

Jiang Hao said, "I don't know what you're talking about. Brat, release him quickly. Though Old Fu is a driver, you can't act like this to him."

"Jiang Hao, do you think you can still hide it now that the situation has come to this point?" Jiang Xiu replied.

The driver raised his head and looked towards Jiang Hao. He immediately understood the essence of the matter and glared back at him, scaring the heck out of the driver, making him cry out bitterly. "I was forced… really…"

Jiang Hao's expression turned ugly, "Jiang Xiu, what did you do to him?"

"What did I do to him?"


Jiang Xiu stopped laughing all of a sudden, his voice turning colder, a terrifying rage filling his words, "Yesterday afternoon, this person tried to kill my in-laws by crashing the car into them!"

Everyone cried out in alarm.

Jiang Yi and Lin Yueling's expressions changed as well. It wasn't an accident? It was a murder attempt?

"Don't slander without proof!"

"That's right! Why would Second Brother incite Old Fu to kill your in-laws?"

Even Jiang Yi and Lin Yueling revealed a puzzled expression.

"To silence his mouth!"

"12 years ago, you, Jiang Hao… No, accurate to say, it's you, Elder Jiang, couldn't bear to see my father succeed in his official career using his own effort and ability after leaving the family. You felt this was a disgrace to the family, that it was a challenge against your Jiang family's authority. You wanted to let everyone know that those who leave your Jiang family end up badly… Therefore, you sent Jiang Hao to Jiang City with evil intentions and forced my father's best friend to trap my father and bring him down."

Jiang Yi was mind blown. He looked at Elder Jiang with a look of disbelief. Elder Jiang's eyes were wide open right now, filled with wisps of blood.

"Is it true? Tell me, is what Little Xiu saying true?" Jiang Yi almost roared at Elder Jiang.

Elder Jiang replied coldly, "What attitude is that? Is this how you speak to your father?"

Jiang Yi's eyes became bloodshot, "Tell me, is it true?"

"What if it is?"

"I wanted to teach you a lesson. What's wrong with a father teaching his son a lesson?!"

Tears flowed down from Jiang Yi's eyes noiselessly, no they weren't tears, it was blood, they were tears of blood. Lin Yueling was alarmed while the others sighed.

"A father teaching his son a lesson? Is that what you call it? We broke all ties with the Jiang family back then. You just wanted to retaliate against me for that. You're my enemy, an enemy who destroyed my life."

Elder Jiang snorted, "Hmph! So what?"

"Anyone who betrays the Jiang family is doomed to have a bad ending!"

Jiang Yi only felt terror facing this person before him. He shivered all over. The person before his eyes was already cold-blooded to the degree that could make people tremble with fear.


He laughed out loud, those laughs seemingly filled with sorrow as well as bitterness. He felt it was funny that he still held some hope for such a person. He never expected this person to be the reason he spent a decade in jail, making his wife and his son lose him, resulting in them suffering cold treatment in the outside world.

A fire of vengeance lit up in his heart.

A blaze of hatred lit up in Lin Yueling's eyes as well. She shouted at him in a rage, "You demon!"

Elder Jiang shivered all over, "So what if I am a demon? Though my Jiang family is troubled right now, it's as easy as crushing an ant to handle your entire family. Your son has to marry Nangong Kou'er or else I'll send your entire family down to hell."

Jiang Yi and Lin Yueling looked at him with furious gazed but were also afraid. The Jiang family was a colossal existence. They couldn't even withstand a single move from the other side, just like how it was 12 years ago.

"Don't act stupid like you did back then, only to be forced to do it in the end."

Jiang Xiu shook his head, "You believe I'll let you manipulate my family? Don't even dream of it. I won't divorce Cheng Lingsu and nor will I marry Nangong Kou'er."

"Let's take a step back and say I agree to marry Nangong Kou'er, the condition for it would be to handle your Jiang family."

"It's time for you to wake up to reality, Jiang Yishan, you're finished!"

Elder Jiang glared at Jiang Xiu without even blinking. A terrifying smile rose on his face, "Ignorant child. You believe my Jiang family is as simple as you think it is? That it's so easy to bring it down?"

"It's impossible for my Jiang family to perish!"

Elder Jiang's aura soared up as he swept his gaze across all the family members present on the scene, "My Jiang family has stood at the top of the Imperial Capital for 50 years and faced too many powerful enemies and sustained great losses, but it's still at the top."

At this moment, a person came rushing in. "Elder, the Ji family members have arrived."


Elder Jiang laughed heartily, "Welcome them inside!"

That person rushed out, and Elder Jiang looked at Jiang Xiu's family, "Let me show you the true foundation of my Jiang family. You can then decide whether you will resist or surrender."


A group entered the courtyard. The man leading them was an old man around 70 years old with white hair yet having a youthful complexion. A batch of disciples followed behind him, each one of them appearing ordinary yet all of them were experts.

"Ruo Wengong, I'm sorry for disturbing you!"

"Please excuse me for not coming out to meet you!"

Elder Jiang cupped his hands like how the people of Jianghu did when meeting each other. However, his movements looked really out of place and funny.

"Elder Jiang, it's been a long time."

"Please take a seat!"

Ruo Wengong said, "There's no need. The full moon has already risen to the sky. It's already time. My teacher has arrived at the Donglu Mountain and is currently on top of Reddrop Peak."

"It seems like Elder Jiang has yet to settle the family matters properly?"

He looked at the rope-bound person laying on the ground. The man's face was severely bruised.

Elder Jiang laughed coldly, "Just a trivial matter. I gave birth to an unfilial son who refused to follow my Jiang family and wants to end my Jiang family. It's simply too ridiculous."

Ruo Wengong said, "As long as my Ji family exists, no one in this world can end the Jiang family!"

The Jiang family members felt high after hearing these words.

Elder Jiang also nodded repeatedly, revealing a smug expression on his face as he turned towards Jiang Xiu sitting on the seat, "Did you hear Ruo Wengong's words? Stupid child!"

"Act smartly and surrender!"

Right now, an old man was seated on the Reddrop Peak of Donglu Mountain. He was donned in white clothes and leaned back against the mountain rocks, looking at the full moon up in the sky in a leisurely manner. The moonlight seemed to fall on him gather around his body, seemingly forming a layer of light around it, making him appear illusionary.

Martial artists from all corners of China had arrived at the entrance of Donglu Mountain. They planned to observe this paramount battle between Demigods through their own eyes. The discussions on the martial arts forum had also exploded.

The moon had already risen high up in the sky and time kept passing by. They watched that renown Demigod sitting on the Reddrop Peak from a distance.

Feeling as if that peak was too high to reach!

Cheng Lingsu and her three dormmates had arrived here along with Song Ronghao at this moment. Susu should've been at the hospital to take care of Cheng Hanlin, but ever since she found out that her father was harmed by the Jiang family, she wanted to come here to witness the confrontation between Jiang Xiu and the Jiang family.

"Oh my god! Each one of them had an extraordinary bearing."

Song Ronghao was accompanied by an expert from the Song family. The Song family had a lot of wealth, so they obviously needed equal military strength to protect that wealth, so they had invited a lot of advisors. "Naturally, all those who have here arrived today are big shots."Miao Xiaolin and Xiao Fangfang's vision went dimmer after hearing this. They weren't interested in the so-called Demigod battle and were here mainly to accompany Cheng Lingsu. They couldn't help but think of doing something to get a wealthy husband now that they saw so many big shots here.

The security today was stricter than usual. A black-clothed man stopped them, "Your pass!"

Song Ronghao took out the pass proudly. The difficulty in obtaining this kind of a pass was enough to make others smack their lips. If it weren't for his Song family's title of the wealthiest family in Shanghai, they wouldn't have got it at all.

The man inspected the pass, "You pass only allows you to go to the 3rd checkpoint!"

"You aren't allowed to go near the Reddrop Peak."

Song Ronghao revealed an embarrassed expression on his face. He had already strived his best and could only obtain this pass some time ago. He explained, "A Demigod battle is quite dangerous. We might get injured if we're too close."

The naïve Cheng Lingsu nodded towards him. She only wished to see Jiang Xiu fight with the other person. It was enough for her to just know the outcome of the battle.

As they climbed along the mountain path, they saw swarms of people on the Donglu Moutain. Many martial artists were in locations which were difficult for ordinary people to reach. Some stood on top of peaks while some on the edge of cliffs, each showing off their skill. It was quite an ardent sight.

"Fudge! Is that guy crazy? He's sitting on such a thin branch? Is he not scared of falling down?" Miao Xiaolin saw a person who was sitting on a branch the width of an arm of a tall tree, which was over an overhanging cliff.


That man laughed loudly, "How can a martial artist fall from a mere branch? That's ridiculous…"

Miao Xiaolin and Xiao Fangfang were frightened. They were around 10 m far from the man yet they could hear this voice clearly as if he was speaking at their ears. They looked at each other in shock. This was similar to how those experts of Wuxia worlds shown in TV dramas communicated.

As for Cheng Lingsu, she had already witnessed Jiang Xiu's terrifying abilities.

"Please pardon us!"

The Song family's advisor cupped his fists towards that man to offer an apology then looked at the women, "Don't gossip here or else you might run into trouble."

Miao Xiaolin and Xiao Fangfang closed their mouths in embarrassment.

But not long after they climbed up, they saw a 6-year-old child at a distance. "Fudge! Have the adults gone crazy? They even brought a child to witness such a bloody duel."

The advisor shook his head helplessly, "A battle between Demigods is quite rare after WW2. It can be even said that it rarely happens. The Demigods are the monarchs of the lands they oversee and have their own territory, so they rarely have disputes with each other. Only, due to the rise of this new Demigod, Jiang Luoxia, everything has become chaos."

"A good opportunity like this rarely comes in one's life so how could they miss it? Moreover, the comprehension you can gain by observing a battle between Demigods is equivalent to 3 years of bitter cultivation at home so no one will want to miss it."

Miao Xiaolin wore a look of disdain after hearing this.

"How come Jiang Luoxia still hasn't arrived? He didn't run away, right?" Someone commented after looking at the full moon."

"Didn't the information say he already entered the Capital?"

Cheng Lingsu raised her head to look at that illusionary man sitting on the peak. She guessed that this person ought to be Jiang Xiu's opponent, Ji Wudao, whom the Jiang family relied on. He looked quite fierce. The moonlight seemed to gather on his body. The more she looked at him, the more she felt like that this person should be in the Heavens and not in this secular world. She wondered if Jiang Xiu was really afraid.

"He didn't flee abroad in fear after coming to the Capital, right?"


A few minutes went by, then 30 minutes, an hour… Time kept passing by and the night crept up on the sky even more. Many people had arrived in the morning and waited till evening, then nightfall until night had come.

"Did that Jiang Luowhatever come or not?"

"That damn scumbag!"

Miao Xiaolin grumbled. If a sudden, cold mountain wind interrupted the flow of the perfect warmth of the autumn night, it would lead to a person's sentiments getting injured. Many martial artists shot their gazes towards her, similar to how a person becomes the target of everyone else's gazes if they shout loudly in the library. She immediately closed her mouth in embarrassment.

In the manor, Elder Jiang looked towards Jiang Xiu and Jiang Yi with an imposing aura and a gaze as if he had already crushed them thoroughly, seemingly conveying that they could only submit to him or perish as a result of opposing him. Elder Jiang had occupied the top seat for a long time, so his aura was enough to scare a lot of people. Even the members of the Jiang family sitting on the side were shivering coldly.

He suddenly turned around and pointed towards the peak, towards Ji Wudao around whom the moonlight was gathering.

"Ignorant child. Do you see Immortal Ji sitting on the Reddrop Peak?!"

"The Diaoyutai wants to handle me but do you know why they don't do it? Even when such a huge incident occurred in Jiangnan, they only removed a portion of my positions because they had to consider the consequences of offending my Jiang family, and bear the rage of Immortal Ji if they offend me, Jiang Yishan."

These words were too egotistical and tyrannical, but they were facts. It was unavoidable for the Imperial Court to be replaced. Ji Wudao was an Earth Immortal who had lived for over 500 years. He had experienced the Ming followed by the Qing Dynasty, the Era of the Warlords, the Republic of China and then the present era. Imperial power was nothing in front of him.

Even in the Immortal Martial Continent, the sects and gates were all above the imperial power.

Elder Jiang had all the power he needed. He was fearless of any opponent.

The members of the Ji family wore prideful expressions on their faces, feeling proud that they were from the glorious Ji family. Ruo Wengong calmly stroked his mustache, "It's already 9 PM. Jiang Luoxia still hasn't shown up. I'm afraid it is as the others say, he must have escaped."

A disciple chipped in, "The martial arts world had already declared that Jiang Luoxia wouldn't dare to confront the Ancestor. Even someone as brash as Jiang Luoxia wouldn't dare to face him due to the gap in their strength and will be forced to make an escape."

The disciple beside him trembled with excitation. The opponent had fled fearing their Ancestor's name. He couldn't hold back and shouted loudly, "Long live Ancestor!"

Another disciple followed after him, "Long live Ancestor!"

"Long live ancestor!"

Their voices spread widely in the night scene, resounding within the Donglu Mountain.

Many martial artists were shocked after hearing it. It seemed that Jiang Luoxia didn't have the guts to appear in this battle. They couldn't remain calm as they looked at Ji Wudao on the Reddrop Peak. His popularity would only soar from now and soon, he would reach the peak of China whom no one could attain in this life.

Actually, a few VIPs from Diaoyutai were observing everything from a secret place. They also shook their heads one after another. If Ji Wudao didn't fall, they would have to think over their plans to move against Jiang Yishan again. They were extremely disappointed.

"Hahaha…" Elder Jiang laughed madly, an ominous glint flashed through his eyes. "It's still early for you to think you can bring me, Jiang Yishan, down…"

"Brat, what will you do now?"

Jiang Xiu answered him calmly, "Even if I wished to return to your Jiang family. Your son, Jiang Chang, will be unwilling. Your other son, Jiang Rong, will also be unwilling, and even you will be unwilling."

"What rubbish are you saying? I have the final say in this Jiang family!"

"Are you really willing then?" Jiang Xiu asked him.

"Bring him over!"

Another person got dragged over. He screamed in alarm, "Father, s-save me…"

Everyone looked towards the source and discovered Jiang Zhan kneeling on the ground. A man stood behind him with a gun pointed towards Jiang Zhan's head. He was scared shitless right now. "Father…"

Jiang Hao was shocked, "SON!"

Elder Jiang was furious, "You have the nerve to capture my grandson? What are you planning to do?"

Jiang Xiu replied in an emotionless voice, "What else? Jiang Hao, what do you think? You believe I should let what you did go unpunished?"

Bang! The sound of a gunshot resounded in the area.


Jiang Hao screamed loudly.


The bullet passed through his head. Jiang Zhan laid on the ground amidst a pool of blood.

"You…" Elder Jiang's eyes almost popped out. This action was unredeemable. The other members of the Jiang family obviously won't recognize Jiang Xiu since he had killed a grandson of the family publicly.

Jiang Xiu sneered, "Now, will you redeem your promise of admitting me into the family?"

"Hmph! It's just a pipe-dream."

Jiang Xiu's gaze flickered after seeing the stupefied expression on Elder Jiang's face, "Do you know who crippled Jiang Hang's limbs? It was me. Do you know who killed Jiang Ao? Let me tell you, it was also me. Do you know why your Jiang family has fallen to such a bad situation? That's also because of me…"

"What?! H-How is that…"

Jiang Xiu's pupils expanded all of sudden as if they had liquefied, transforming his eyes into a pitch-black color. His features transformed slowly, along with his hair becoming longer at speed visible to the naked eye.

"Are you surprised? Shocked?"

Saying so, Jiang Xiu stepped in the air and flew to the skies under everyone's dumbstruck gazes, flying towards the Reddrop Peak, "That's because… I am…"


Someone at a distance cried out, "Quickly look! Jiang Luoxia has arrived. Oh my God, he's actually flying!"Jiang Yishan's eyes almost popped out his sockets when he saw Jiang Xiu step on air and fly like a God towards the Reddrop Peak. His thoughts were a complete mess right now. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

The other members of the Jiang family were stupefied as well, shocked to the very extreme.

Jiang Xiu is… Jiang Luoxia?

The person who had wiped out the Jin family, taken over the Golden Brocade Group, crippled Jiang Hang, killed Jiang Ao and forced the Jiang family to the verge of collapse, Jiang Luoxia, was actually his grandson whom he had abandoned.

Moreover, he was actually renown in China as the 11th Ranked Demigod!

This was explosive news!

"This is…"

"What the…"

A young child raised by the mother on the curb by selling fruits, with his father locked in prison, had matured up to become an existence capable of bringing the Jiang family down to such a state.

Even Jiang Yi and Lin Yueling were stunned after seeing Jiang Xiu fly to the skies, let alone them. They only knew that Jiang Xiu had acknowledged a master and learned martial arts but never expected that he had reached such a stage akin to the Gods.

"Jiang Yi… O-Our son…"

Lin Yueling covered her mouth, tears flowing down from her eyes unceasingly.

"Little Xiu!"

Jiang Yi also called out emotionally, trembling all the while.

Both of them were thrilled.

Their son's prospects were out of their scope of imagination, so high that it was enough to shock the entire world.


That figure soared to the skies like a Roc flying on the winds, passing through the precipice and landing on the Reddrop Peak, causing the entire Donglu Mountain to tremble.

At this moment, his long hair flew in the wind like a flame, awns of lightning flashing through his pitch-black eyes. His facial features became sharper, seemingly carved out of perfection using a demonic blade. His skin sparkled like sheep-fat white jade, giving him an intoxicating, demonic handsomeness. His stature seemed to be forged out of gold, having no blemish from head to toe. It was as if an ancient deity had descended.

His existence was like a paradox to this world!

"Jiang Luoxia has arrived!"

"He's here!"

The people at Donglu Mountain went crazy. The rumor that Jiang Luoxia got scared and fled the country was also squashed. The discussions had begun once more on the martial arts forum. Many people took snaps of the moment when Jiang Luoxia made his appearance and posted them on the forum.

"Oh my God!" Miao Xiaolin and Xiao Fangfang were stunned.

"He can fly? They aren't shooting a film, right?"

Cheng Lingsu clenched her fists nervously as her heart pumped blood quite rapidly, causing her breathing to become rushed. She wore an excited as well as a worried look on her face, "You really came!"

Her heart was conflicted up until this point. She hoped Jiang Xiu would appear but also hoped he wouldn't. In the end, he had made an appearance.

"Hmm? Why does this Jiang Luoxia look a bit familiar?" Song Ronghao commented. "Susu, don't you think this person looks similar to Jiang Xiu?"

Though Jiang Xiu was under Deification right now, the base for it was still Jiang Xiu. It was similar to how a person looked different from the typical appearance to that after adding special effects.

"Descend, the nine mythical arts, cleanse the heavens, a thousand years of karma, an artless heart yet romantic."

At this time, the old man leaning against the rock finally moved. He had silver hair which was different from the gray hair of old men, his hair was thick and even glowed. His appearance was the same as a youth's. Were it not for his age leaving a deep impression of an old man, it would've been difficult to connect him to an old man.

He had a well-built figure, wore white clothes and was barefoot.

This was Ji Wudao!

His voice seemed to come through from the horizons. Though his mouth didn't move, the voice dropped over everyone's heads like thunder from the skies. "Jiang Luoxia, you've finally come!"

"I thought you got scared and ran away!"

"Run?" Jiang Xiu retorted.

"You aren't qualified to make me do that!"

Saying so, he took a step forward, causing the rock under him to crack. The entire Reddrop Peak seemed as if it would collapse as that crack spread towards Ji Wudao's location.

Jiang Xiu was already flying over there.


Ji Wudao remained in his position and stamped his foot, sending several crushed rocks to attack Jiang Xiu. "Jiang Luoxia, the 11th ranked Demigod. Show me your skills."

At the same time, he too flew up. A smoky cloud covered his surroundings and made him appear illusionary.

Jiang Xiu punched out in response to it. Along with a trembling sound, a strong wind flew over the entire place, causing the herbs on the peak to snap off from their roots and drift along with the wind. Just the energy wave from the punch was enough to crush the rocks flying towards him into powder.

The strong wind dissipated suddenly, resulting in the herbs and dust dancing in the air to fall to the ground.

"Not bad! Not bad!"

Ji Wudao laughed while flying towards Jiang Xiu. White smoke filled the air behind him, and his entire person seemed to made of nothing, appearing like an illusionary dream. He arrived before Jiang Xiu in an instant.

"A God!"

This was a sign of divinity. It was possible to change the body into a different substance as one wished. For example, turn one's hand into stone or one's body into smoke like how Ji Wudao had done.

"You could make out that I'm a God?" Ji Wudao was quite shocked, "Since you suspected that I might be a God, I really have to admire your courage for still daring to come over."

"Seeing that you have extraordinary talent, I can make an exception to spare your life."

"What do you think about becoming my disciple?"

Jiang Xiu's expression turned cold, "Useless trash. You think you're qualified to be my, Jiang Luoxia's, master?" An insignificant Low God was not even qualified to carry his master's shoes.

"Audacious!" The smile on Ji Wudao's face vanished, a cold expression replacing it instantly. "Since you don't know how to appreciate my kindness, I shall behead you to make an example to the people today!" Saying so, the white smoke the behind him condensed into wings of clouds. He flew over towards Jiang Xiu while joining his hands together to attack.


A vast power rushed out from his hands accompanied by a terrifying sound wave. The incorporeal power hidden in the void started moving, its strength unfathomable.

This single attack was sufficient to bring down the entire mountain peak!


Jiang Xiu could only use the spells and battle skills he had accumulated over the 3 millenniums to complement for the disparity in strength between them. His fingers swapped through several bizarre seals one after one.

A dazzling radiance appeared on his finger. His figure remained stationary yet seemed as if his body was being pulled by the glyph on his finger. A beam of light streaked across the sky suddenly. Describing it was hard. Only a ray of light remained in everyone's line of sight.

"A Reflection to Part Worlds!"

Just like how a blade slices paper into two halves, the energy rushing over towards him parted to two sides due to getting cut into two halves and passed by Jiang Xiu's sides.

A whistling sound echoed beside him.


Ji Wudao revealed a perplexed expression then used his second move. He transformed into a massive fist and bombarded towards Jiang Xiu. Only the image of a fist, which spanned across the void, could be seen in the dark night. It appeared as if the air was turning denser, similar to how it is when a bullet is shot into the water.

He was indeed worthy of being called a monster who had lived for over 500 years. As soon as Jiang Xiu dispersed his first attack using an unusual method, he immediately condensed it into a fist. If Jiang Xiu used the same move to deal with the second attack, he would no doubt fall.

The power of Gods had an overwhelming advantage over the power of Demigods.

"Pretty good! You can solidify and transform divine force smoothly!" Jiang Xiu praised him inwardly. A newly advanced God found it challenging to transform divine force and thus required more considerable effort to draw the power of the void to attack. The smooth operation was of paramount importance as this power was too strong and had to transform again. Reversing the transformation was pretty tricky as well. It was due to this reason that many people blindly pursued powerful spells and neglected the importance of types and transformation of attacks.

However, Ji Wudao hadn't made such a mistake and achieved it without any guidance from anyone. His wisdom indeed excelled others.

Light flashed across Jiang Xiu's eyes as he saw the giant fist come over towards him. He flung the back of his hand towards it once, twice, thrice…. He did it faster and faster and finally pumped the waves with powerful energy, instantly filling them with vast amounts of power, creating a thousand layers of waves.

Boom! Boom!

The energy wave met the fist and broke under its force, but there existed the second layer once the first one was broken through and then the third and the fourth… After passing through layer upon layer, the fist's power got weakened step by step.

"A clever spell!"

Ji Wudao was planning to crush Jiang Xiu without even giving him a single chance to resist but was instead very shocked after watching Jiang Xiu counter with strange methods. He still played it down, making it seem as if he wasn't surprised. "You… Are these spells or martial arts?"

Energy couldn't transform into waves, but the energy from Jiang Xiu's palms had indeed turned into waves and formed layers upon layers, blocking his fist attack.

"Naïve!" Jiang Xiu sneered inwardly. These are called Immortal Arts. "If it weren't for you being at a higher realm than me, this one move could've killed you!"

Jiang Xiu wasn't kidding. Since his move was able to block a God's power, a Demigod would definitely die. Ji Wudao snorted in response, "A Demigod is a Demigod, you can't change this fact. No matter how profound a Demigod's skill is, the disparity in power isn't something you can complement."

Saying so, Ji Wudao took another step forward. "Receive my true power!"

He released a several feet long bright sword light from his finger. It hacked down towards Jiang Xiu from above.

Jiang Xiu's expression changed, after which he immediately said - "Gather!"

The energy wave formed an energy barrier which appeared as sturdy as a wall of steel immediately, but it was akin to air facing that sword light. It got broken through easily then turned into fragmented energy strings.

"This sword attack of mine is equivalent to an energy weapon."

"An energy weapon is formed of incorporeal energy. There's nothing it can't overcome, and no spell can break it."

Jiang Xiu's energy barrier was pretty tough, yet it couldn't block this energy weapon. Jiang Xiu's expression turned solemn. Energy weapon? This is clearly the embryonic form of sword arts.

This man is walking the path of sword cultivation.

"After cultivating the sword for 300 years, I unintentionally comprehended this energy weapon and created a sword which can defeat any martial arts and destroy all kinds of weapons!"

"Being able to witness its might today is your good luck. You should feel honored and die contentedly under this move."

In an instant, the energy sword passed through the barrier and stopped as it released a hissing sound while it drew power from the void. If the energy weapon attacked below, it would cleave the entire Reddrop Peak, let alone Jiang Xiu.

A glint flickered through Jiang Xiu's eyes, "Ji Wudao, is this the basis of your strength?"

If he weren't just a Demigod right now and unable to draw power from the void, he would've taught him what's called a true sword art.


Jiang Xiu evaded the attack. The energy weapon had almost sliced his body. Just the outer energy gave his deified skin a prickling pain as if a needle had poked into it. Immediately after dodging the attack, he charged towards Ji Wudao.

Ji Wudao's expression turned grim. Jiang Xiu was only 20 years old and a mere Demigod but he had evaded his energy weapon and possessed several strange techniques.

"Let me show you my strength once again!"

Ji Wudao raised his finger, continuously ejecting 10 white energy pulses which whizzed across the night sky, slowly transforming into the shape of flying swords as they shot towards Jiang Xiu.

You can dodge once, but can you do it twice or thrice?

"Did you think a Demigod can resist a God?"

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The no. of flying sword lights was innumerable.

He hands kept releasing them continuously. Each wave released 5 of them which targeted Jiang Xiu across the night skies. Jiang Xiu was already sealed off by the tightly packed flying sword lights over a diameter of 10 m with him at the center.

In an instant, Jiang Xiu had fallen into an area of certain death.

"Too shocking!"

From the moment Jiang Xiu made his appearance, the people witnessing the battle were thoroughly shocked. They felt as if they had transmigrated into the worlds of legends where deities lived above the skies, and sword immortals controlled their swords to attack the enemy. The entire Reddrop Peak was full of an immortal breath right now.

"Is Ji Wudao just a Demigod? The power of that energy weapon is devastating. It feels as if the power of the entire void is available for his use. There's literally no limit to his power." A Demigod expressed his inference while frowning.

The people beside him agreed as well.

Though they didn't know what kind of an existence a God was or what abilities a God possessed, they could vaguely sense a locus of power to follow.

As for the martial artists of the lower realms, they were dazzled by the scene and utterly fascinated. "This is a Demigod? They are indeed existences capable of reaching the heavens, being able to control that terrifying power of nature."

"Who will win?"

An old man donned in a green robe asked.

"Ji Wudao!"

"Ji Wudao!"

Everyone gave the same answer, Ji Wudao. "Jiang Luoxia is indeed extraordinary but compared to Ji Wudao, he lacks in the strength of his power. They aren't on the same level. Ji Wudao can use the power of the world, but Jiang Luoxia can only rely on himself."

Moreover, from the very beginning, Ji Wudao had been suppressing Jiang Xiu. The situation had already become quite dangerous for Jiang Xiu ever since the energy weapon had appeared.

As for the ordinary people like Miao Xiaolin and Song Ronghao, they eyes had almost popped out.

"A-Are they even human?"

Jiang Xiu could fly in the sky while Ji Wudao could soar in the air in a fog-like state, releasing one sword light after another with each wave, resulting in the mountain stone behind Jiang Xiu breaking up into pieces. Reddrop Peak had already become ruined become recognition after they exchanged moves. At the moment the mountain stones smashed onto the ground after dropping from the sky, the people at the bottom felt as if a meteorite had crashed down. It was that shocking.

The worldview of the officials as well as the martial artists witnessing this battle had wholly collapsed, let alone of ordinary people like Miao Xiaolin.

In addition to shock, Cheng Lingsu, as well as the Jiang couple, were extremely anxious right now. The person fighting right now was Jiang Xiu. Just a single mistake could lead to eternal damnation.

"Ji Wudao, if you had met some other Demigod or even another God, your attack would've defeated them, but it's quite a pity that you're facing me…"

Jiang Xiu sighed inwardly. Ji Wudao's energy weapon had already grasped the doorway to sword arts. What's impressive was that he had done it on this Earth which wasn't suitable for cultivation, but unfortunately, it hadn't taken the form of a sword art yet.

This energy weapon as in the end merely a sharp energy, void of sword intent!


Jiang Xiu spoke out an abstruse, incomprehensible incantation note as that storm of flying swords dashed over towards him. He raised his index finger and drew a glyph in front of the swords coming over. Golden particles of light gathered together in the shape of the character as an intense power rushed out from it suddenly.

All the flying swords got sucked into that character as if they were entering a vacuum space. The flying swords had not only slowed down, they even seemed to have lost their power and started disappearing little by little from the back till the sharp end, completely vanishing in the end.


The character had managed to suppress the energy weapon. Seals could only suppress materialistic things while the energy weapon didn't have any attributes at all, so it didn't make sense that the character could suppress it. There was nothing the energy weapon couldn't subdue but nothingness could also conquer it.

Their eyes couldn't cheat on them. The energy weapon was defeated.

Ji Wudao's expression finally turned ugly.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when Ji Wudao was still in a daze, Jiang Xiu drew a line over the sky with his bare hand, "Ji Wudao, face my energy weapon as well!" As soon as he finished speaking, a white chain shot out from underneath that line he drew in the sky.

It was chain consisting of 10 sword lights each over ten feet long.


The sword chain split open the skies as if it were slicing through the night.


Even Ji Wudao couldn't remain collected after witnessing this scene. Jiang Xiu had used an energy weapon just like him. The energy weapon was something he had spent hundreds of years cultivating so he couldn't comprehend how Jiang Xiu had done it.

In his previous life, Jiang Xiu has cultivated the word and achieved grand accomplishment in the Dao of the Sword. Though he couldn't use a real sword art as he was neither an Immortal nor a God right now, he could still easily release an energy weapon. Moreover, from its appearance to the aura, his energy weapon was much more complete than Ji Wudao's.

"This doesn't make sense!"

Ji Wudao couldn't believe it. Boom! The violent force inside his body transformed into white smoke, puffing out of him.

"Jiang Luoxia, you think you can make fun of my bitter cultivation of hundreds of years?"

The energy weapon chopped on top of the white smoke which had rushed out of his body.


The energy weapon couldn't proceed further and got blocked outside by the white smoke. It gradually began to turn paler and finally disappeared without a trace.


Jiang Xiu sighed yet again. The difference in the power between a Demigod and a God was too vast. It was just impossible to break a God's defense even if one possessed a high-level immortal art.


"Jiang Luoxia, you're too naïve. You actually made a futile attempt to kill a God when you're just a mere Demigod."

"Only, you've truly shocked me!"

Ji Wudao shook his head, "I didn't expect such a monstrous, talented person like you would appear among the younger generation of this world. Moreover, you're still only 20 years old. If you weren't my enemy, I would've thought of letting you go, but it's a pity that you made me your enemy. If I let you go, you'll definitely harm me in the future."

"Jiang Luoxia, are you ready to die?!"

Saying so, a sword flickering with a sharp awn appeared in Ji Wudao's hand.

He… finally took out his sword!

At the moment Ji Wudao had used the energy weapon, Jiang Xiu immediately understood that he was a sword cultivator. His genuine confidence came from his sword!

Ji Wudao stated, "This sword is called Magnificent Snow! It has beheaded many enemies and demons at my hand. You can consider a blessing that you could see it today."

"Let me show you my true killing move!"

The observers were all alarmed. He had finally taken out the sword. The real reason for his world renown fame was the sword in his hand. He had battled several minor and huge battles over his entire life using this sword and remained invincible, never experiencing a single defeat.

Jiang Xiu estimated inwardly that he must have used the sword to arduously cultivate for 500 years, received acknowledgment by the world and thus become a God.

"Jiang Luoxia!"

Ji Wudao's gaze turned serious as he took to the skies, transforming into a thunderous wind. The entire world rumbled with thunder, the surging sound waves rocking the whole land, resulting in the hills collapsing.

What left everyone dumbstruck was that a fierce light burst out from Ji Wudao as if he were the incarnation of the Sun.

Arriving from the limits of the sky, One Sword to Shock the Heavens!


At this moment, the entire place was enveloped by an intense light, as if it were daytime on Reddrop Peak. The light was sword energy, the sword energy was light, both one and the same as they covered the entire sky and earth, set on destroying everything.

The sword was in harmony with the world!


Everyone witnessing this spectacle was utterly shocked. This sword move was truly too powerful. Even though they weren't the target of the attack, they could feel the unparallel might of the sword.

Jiang Luoxia was about to fall!

Only two silhouettes were visible within the intense light. As Ji Wudao dropped from the sky with his sword attack, Jiang Xiu neither advanced nor retreated, not only that, he even closed his eyes. In fact, he had also abandoned all his five senses - sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. All of his attention was focused on the divinity origin.

The saber pill inside the divinity origin began to slowly unravel and turn into long, thin thread. In an instant, it disappeared from the divinity origin and rushed out from Jiang Xiu's Yin Palace in the next, accompanied by an intense light. In the wake of the light, the thread baselessly appeared in the outer world while glittering with a silver fireworks-like luster.

Controlling the saber pill without using the Godhead could lead to his fall with a single careless mistake. Therefore, he decided to abandon all his five senses to bring his level of concentration to its limits.

At the same moment, Magnificent Snow hacked down from above.


The two lights struck each other, giving rise to a loud sound. For a moment, the radiance appeared the same as that of a flaming meteorite disintegrating into pieces. The two powers clashed with each other, resulting in violent energy waves spreading outwards from the center of the collision.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The surrounding rocks, trees, and other objects couldn't endure this terrible power and exploded one after that, it was as if the heavens were falling and earth splitting open. Numerous rocks crumbled from the Reddrop Peak and tumbled into the bottomless precipice.


Followed by a roar, Jiang Xiu's eyes opened completely. A fierce light exploded open from his forehead as the saber knife made its appearance. No one could figure out where it had appeared from or how it had appeared. They never expected that this saber knife could resist such a powerful sword attack from a God.


The saber knife struck the sword blade heavily, giving out a beautiful sound.


The sword bent due to the attack and the force received by Ji Wudao through the sword caused him to drop from the sky while spouting a fog of blood. He was a God, a real God. His body had surpassed that of mortals and was above all mortal objects. It could even resist bullets, yet a small saber knife had knocked against his sword and sent him flying, also making him vomit blood.

He gazed at the glittering saber knife floating in front of Jiang Xiu's forehead grimly. Shock and fear filled his heart as well as perplexment. He was sure Jiang Xiu was a Demigod, but he was able to injure him by relying on this little saber knife.

The saber knife didn't withdraw after the first strike. Instead, it shot towards Ji Wudao. At the same time, the blade of the saber knife elongated at speed visible to the naked eye and became 40 m long in an instant. The amount of shock in his eyes kept increasing.


Along with an explosive, thunderous sound, the fierce saber light passed through Ji Wudao's body. His shocked gaze slowly dimmed down and lost all signs of life. He could only leave such final words - "Imp…ossible."

He couldn't believe that a Demigod could kill a God!


Ji Wudao's body fell to the ground. An expert who had never tasted defeat before had today lost his life under a saber knife.

He died with his eyes open, a grievance forever remaining in his eyes even after death.

"This is a saber pill, the core of Saber Dao in divinity cultivation. It can only be refined after becoming a true God. This Deity used a supreme arcane skill to forcefully refine it in the Demigod Realm. An object which only Gods can refine can naturally kill a God."

"You can die contentedly!"

Ji Wudao's body slowly transformed into specks of glowing light. It looked quite pretty under the night scene, and after roughly a few seconds, the body had disappeared entirely.

Entire Donglu Mountain was utterly still right now. None of them spoke a word. They were utterly dumbstruck by the scene.

"Ji Wudao… died?"

"Ji Wudao died!"

The martial artists were all very shocked. They looked towards the demon god-like pretty youth standing on the Reddrop Peak, gazing at him as if he were a Deity.

"Jiang Luoxia won."

Jiang Luoxia, the youngest Demigod of this era. No one knew how strong he was. He had even killed Ji Wudao. From the strength he had revealed, it was also possible he was a God, which were legendary existences. Even if he wasn't a God, with the cultivation and destructive power he possessed, what difference was there between him and a God?

Descend, the nine mythical art, cleanse the heavens, a thousand years of karma, an artless heart yet romantic!

"From today onwards, this phrase will awe the entire world."

Everyone felt distressed. None of them were optimistic about Jiang Luoxia winning the battle before the fight began, but he had used facts to beat their faces! That too very badly!

This is called scared of fighting? Such were the thoughts going through their minds.

Cheng Lingsu covered her mouth, tears silently bubbling out from her eyes. He won! He killed Ji Wudao!

She couldn't keep standing and crouched down, bawling loudly.

"Immortal Ji d-died?"

Elder Ji trembled as he said these words then fell to the ground. Jiang Xiu's words kept buzzing in his mind.

"Jiang Yishan, you're finished! Your Jiang family is also finished!"

Everyone in the Jiang family made ugly faces. They understood what it meant. The Jiang family had no one to rely on now that Immortal Ji was dead.

"He won?" Lin Yueling was still in a daze, somewhat unable to believe everything happening right now.

"H-He won!"

Jiang Yi was also in a half-dazed state.

Jiang Xiu flew up from the Reddrop Peak to the skies. As he passed above the martial artists, they cupped their hands towards him one by one. "We greet Jiangnan's, Mr. Jiang!"

"We greet Mr. Jiang!"

The voices traveled from the top of the Donglu Mountain to the base.

When Jiang Xiu landed on the ground, a man with a resolute appearance walked to the front and blocked Jiang Xiu's way. "You dare to kill my master. I'll take revenge for him."

Jiang Xiu's gaze swept across him, "Who are you?"

"Demigod Zhu Shengding!"

This man was none other than Ji Wudao's Demigod disciple who had defeated several Demigods in the past ten days, resulting in Ji Wudao becoming famous all across the nation and also the reason the rumor that Jiang Xiu was scared to fight had emerged.

"It's you…"

Jiang Xiu waved his hand towards him. The man was shocked. The fierce energy released by Jiang Xiu's arm as it waved down had already made him unable to breathe.


Zhu Shengding screamed in alarm.


He felt as if his entire body was facing a very high pressure, followed by which his body exploded open.


Everyone sucked in a cold breath. Zhu Shengding boasted that he would take revenge for his master yet couldn't even last a single move against Jiang Xiu.


Everyone was scared after witnessing Jiang Luoxia's strength, this was also inevitable. This person had emerged to prominence all of a sudden and killed whoever blocked his path.

They recalled a name. The original Demigod representative of Huaxia (Old name of China), the one who had survived the atom bomb, Si Wuxie.

It's just that Si Wuxie had disappeared a long time ago and hadn't shown himself in the past 60 years.

Jiang Xiu stomped on the ground and flew to the skies again. He easily crossed a great distance and landed in the place the Jiang family was located, disappearing from everyone's sight.

As they saw Jiang Xiu come over, the entire Jiang family looked at him with fear.