As Jiang Xiu planned to merge his soul along with the Godhood Halo at the highest place, a voice suddenly came through from the nothingness of the void, "Who dares to take the Firmament Godhood Halo?"

If it were someone ordinary, they would've become dazed after encountering such a matter, but Jiang Xiu was a veteran who had experienced the world, so he disregarded the consequences and planned to first get hold of this thing. Thus, he immediately tried to merge it with his soul.


That person shouted in a fury, followed by a power suddenly suppressing the entire area.

This power was too strong and wasn't something the current Jiang Xiu could resist. He was pushed down by this suppression.

Jiang Xiu became furious, "Who are you? Why are you obstructing me from taking the Godhood Halo?"

That person grunted coldly, "Ignorant child. You don't even know who this Deity is and you dare to act this brazenly. I am Ancestral Hall's Di Fuyao, the Realm God of this world. The divine mandates of this lesser realm are overseen by me."

Jiang Xiu wasn't scared away by these few words. "Since I have become a God and entered this void, the world has allowed me to choose the Godhood Halo of my preference."

"You have no right to prevent me from taking the Godhood Halo I want."

That person snarled back, "Wanton!" That voice was akin to suppression of the heavens. It shocked Jiang Xiu's entire divine intent, almost turning it into nothingness. "I am the Realm God, so the Godhood Halos are naturally overseen by me as well. This Deity won't allow you to take the Firmament Godhood Halo. It's not your turn."

Since the Firmament Halo was at the highest place, it should be the strongest, but this bastard wasn't allowing him to take it.

"You are obstructing the will of heaven!" Jiang Xiu replied.

Since there was a limit to the divine mandates, it was possible to change who got what. Just like resources in the human world, some ambitious families bullied others to get what they wanted. This was the result of the desire of humans for power.

Jiang Xiu naturally couldn't allow a minor God to bully him and delay his cultivation.

"What if I am obstructing the will of heaven?"

That man seemed determined on not giving the Firmament Halo to Jiang Xiu.


Jiang Xiu chanted a spell. He planned to use a supreme arcane skill to strengthen his divine intent forcefully. This was equivalent to burning his blood and could result in damaging his divine intent severely, it was even life-threating.

However, such was Jiang Xiu's nature. He wasn't only ruthless towards others but even more ruthless towards himself. If he hadn't been so extreme, he wouldn't have reached as high as he did on the Immortal Martial Continent and wouldn't have become the Heaven Treading Sect's Sect Master.


The divine intent's power soared up sharply in an instant. He flew towards the highest location recklessly with the intention to seize the Firmament Godhood Halo.


That man bellowed. The power of suppression suddenly increased as well. He naturally wasn't using a secret skill with a huge side effect but rather that he hadn't used the power of his divine intent before and was putting it to use now.


Both the divine intents were formless, but when the two powers collided with each other, the entire void began to tremble.

"An insignificant Demigod dares to fight with this Deity! You're just courting death!"

The power of suppression descending on the area kept rising and rising. After all, there was a vast divide between a Demigod's divine intent and a God's. Let alone, the opponent was this world's Realm God.

Jiang Xiu felt an unsurpassable power similar to that of heaven's wrath crush him during this exchange.


Jiang Xiu felt his divine consciousness fall from the void. The Firmament Halo went out of reach, getting farther and farther away. The other Godhood Halos turned into tiny specks as well. It was as if time were flowing backward as he got suppressed downwards, dropping into the bottomless abyss.

"Brat. As you've offended this Deity, don't think of getting any of the Godhood Halos, let alone the Firmament Halo. This Deity officially proclaims that you're deprived of your divine mandate qualifications."

Jiang Xiu, who was in his house, suddenly opened his eyes. He began to take deep gasps of breaths as if he had held his breath underwater for a long time. His eyes, ears, mouth, and nose kept bleeding, making him look hideous.

"You won't let me become a God?"

"You think you can do that?"

Since the number of divine mandates was limited, this was definitely a rule of this world. A minor Realm God couldn't affect such a law. In other words, if only he had a Godhood Halo, he could become a God.

Although he couldn't get the Firmament Halo, he had three other Godhood Halos with him.

"This won't do. I need to become a God as soon as possible!"

There would be others besides him who coveted the divine mandate as well since they were limited in number. Perhaps that Realm God even had a candidate ready. Since he had control over the Godhood Halos, he naturally could choose the candidate as well.

He ignored his injuries and remembered the path he traversed just now. It seemed like the Godhood Halo similar to Li Mi's was at the highest location of the three he possessed. Since the higher ones were powerful, he judged that Li Mi's Godhood Halo ought to be the strongest.

Jiang Xiu decided to select Li Mi's Godhood Halo which possessed an unknown attribute.

After settling his thoughts, he didn't hesitate anymore and began to harmonize with that Godhood Halo. It was easier to do it this time compared to his previous attempt. He had just released his divine intent a little, and his entire body began to issue an awful brilliance. Immediately after that, it broke down and merged into Jiang Xiu's body, completely disappearing from sight.

This time, the Godhood Halo had wholly displayed its tremendous power. Jiang Xiu felt as if his body was about to explode. He clenched his teeth while groaning yet kept persevering and let the Godhood Halo wander into his Godhead, transform his body then again condense back.

Boom! Boom!

Sounds of thunder rumbling came out of Jiang Xiu's body. The Godhood Halo's power seemed to congeal and wreak havoc inside his body, unceasingly remolding it while rotating crazily.

He knew that the crucial moment which would decide whether he would become a God had arrived!

It felt as if someone took him for a clay toy and molded him as they wished. All his cells, bones and muscles began were reforming again, so the amount of pain he felt was pretty obvious.


Jiang Xiu turned into nothingness, his entire body transformed into an intense light while blood kept seeping out of his mouth, followed by him vomiting a mouthful of blood.


At the same time, the entire room was filled with a dazzling radiance. This radiance rose towards the horizon of the nine firmaments, surpassing the heavens above heavens then into the outer space of the universe, shooting out like a meteorite.

He felt a kind of response from the world, but he still hadn't really become a God. Just this alone had made him fall, but he kept persevering while gritting his teeth. The power inside his Godhead began to rise unceasingly, and the divine regalia on his arm turned exceptionally hot. His divinity origin still hadn't achieved a breakthrough, and his Godhead hadn't truly awakened yet, it was only a step away.

"Damned fortune!"

Jiang Xiu realized his power wasn't enough. On the Immortal Martial Continent, when such a situation was encountered, it was necessary to absorb energy to completely finish advancing, but there weren't any heavenly treasures or pills with him.

"Am I going to fail at the last moment?"

He suddenly recalled he still had two Godhood Halos. He had set them aside as he didn't know whether they would conflict with each other and lead to some accident, but now, if he didn't replenish more power, the consequences would be too horrible to imagine. In any event, the most important thing right now was to become a God. He had done all of this to achieve that so he decided to make one final attack.

He operated the Godhood Halos within his body, which immediately began to glow with a radiating brilliance. His body became like that of a light bulb as the other two Godhood Halos began to merge with his soul.

This time, he didn't feel pain like before but instead felt a comfortable feeling. This let Jiang Xiu harmonize with the Godhood Halos faster.

Jiang Xiu absorbed the two Godhood Halos crazily. Those Godhood Halos felt similar to energy bodies as he devoured them to replenish his body's energy.


Jiang Xiu's mind quivered, and his divinity origin experienced an explosion similar to the big bang which was the origin of the universe. At this split second, Jiang Xiu lost his consciousness, as if he were in shock, his sight had also turned dull. Powerful, unique information poured into his divinity origin.

He had finally Awakened!

Truly Awakened!

He sat cross-legged while his long hair rose up like flames. As he underwent the process and awakened to all kinds of information, it finally condensed in the form of his divine regalia's radiance on his arm.

The divine symbol was complete!

He could finally use the first magic sound note.

Immediately after that, his cross-legged body began to float and a misty white fog formed under him to support his body. It looked pretty marvelous.

He flew towards the window but didn't knock into the glass and instead passed through it. He had transformed into white smoke and reached outside the room, landing down then forming into his real body on the balcony.

The ability to transform into a different matter was a sign of divinity. Only Gods could do this.

Jiang Xiu had finally become a God. In this world, perhaps a God was the supreme existence, but on the Immortal Martial Continent, a God was someone who had just taken the first step onto cultivation.

Jiang Xiu checked his left arm. A second divine regalia pattern hadn't appeared there. He was surprised by this very much. Divine regalia had a special significance and were also the Godhead's power source. The general impression was that the more of them someone possessed, the stronger one is, but Jiang Xiu knew that this wasn't the case in reality. He had once met an ultimate Buddhist expert. This expert revealed to Jiang Xiu that he only had three divine regalia patterns, but the strength of his dharma body was enough to place him among the peak existences on the Immortal Martial Continent.

Many people on the Immortal Marital Continent dreaded those whose bodies were covered in divine regalia, believing they are powerful. Those who are weaker and unable to gauge the counterpart's power call out to such persons deferentially, calling them 'Senior.' People rarely realized the simple hidden truth.

"Though I couldn't get the Firmament Godhood Halo, the power of the three Godhood Halos added together might be stronger."

Jiang Xiu smiled coldly.

"You too couldn't have expected that I could still become a God, right?"

He turned around then walked towards the bedroom, passing through the glass by transforming into white smoke, then forming into his body again slowly. Glass was nothing in front of him.

On the next day, Jiang Xiu heard the sound of the door opening downstairs. He went down and discovered it was Cheng Lingsu. She had a fatigued face. It appeared that she hadn't got much sleep at the hospital. She saw Jiang Xiu come down and talked to him, "You woke up at just the right time. The breakfast I bought is still warm. Gobble it down."

Jiang Xiu actually didn't refuse breakfast and took his seat calmly. He felt extremely famished at the moment. If Cheng Lingsu hadn't bought food, he might've made a trip outside to satiate his hunger as he used up a lot of energy yesterday night.

Cheng Lingsu took the backpack off, "So tired. I'll go take a bath then a nap first." She ran upstairs after saying this. This little girl had never worked so hard.

"Is your sister going to keep guard tonight?" Jiang Xiu asked.

Cheng Lingsu stopped then said, "Yeah. We asked the nurse, but that person wasn't much willing. Dad also needs to undergo a second operation so we three can only switch out among ourselves."

Though Jiang Xiu was the Cheng family's son-in-law, Cheng Lingsu had no intentions to ask for his help as it wasn't much realistic to do that.

Jiang Xiu finished his breakfast then went out. He didn't go to the university but rather to the hospital. It wasn't that he sympathized with Cheng Hanlin as he had always been biased about him. The reason for this was the events which happened in the previous life, but he couldn't bear to see Cheng Lingran get burdened by this.

He also wanted to test his abilities now that he had become a God.

He was vexed about how to use the three Godhood Halos before, but the riddle was solved now. It was only possible to use them after becoming a God. Moreover, each Godhood Halo had its own unique ability.

The Godhood Halo of the Heavenly Dao Religion's God was a green one. Jiang Xiu could also feel a potent life force from it. The Heavenly Dao Religion had also appeared back then during a time of calamity, and he guessed that the heavens must've bestowed this Godhood Halo unto that God to relieve the people from their suffering.

No one was in the room when Jiang Xiu arrived there, and Cheng Hanlin was in a deep sleep. Sun Xiaohong should've been here, but the doctor had called her to discuss regarding the second operation.

Cheng Hanlin's spine and limbs were injured so even if they were fixed back, he'd be in a wheelchair after recovering. If it weren't treated, he'd lie on the bed forever.

"You have good luck. Thank your daughter for paying off your debt in the previous life!"

Jiang Xiu reached out and placed his hand on top of Cheng Hanlin's body. His palm began to glow with a green light. This light was pretty gentle and appeared like nature's green, full of limitless life force.

The green light turned into flickering particles and went inside Cheng Hanlin's body slowly and supplied him with an active life force using the power of divinity.

"It's really like this!"

It was just as Jiang Xiu had speculated. This green Godhood Halo was a Life Force Godhood Halo. Only, the Godhood Halo wasn't so powerful that it could immediately heal Cheng Hanlin. It just rejuvenated the dead parts so it'd still take some time for him to recover completely.

Just as all the particles went inside, a voice came from the door. Sun Xiaohong came inside along with a group of doctors. She was astonished as well as pleasantly surprised to see Jiang Xiu inside.

"Jiang Xiu!"

Jiang Xiu didn't respond to her.

"You're here at the right time. The doctor said another operation is needed. As a housewife, I couldn't make much sense of it. You're pretty skilled so can you help me make the decision?"

"There's no need for it. He should recover in 6-10 months."

On the side, an old doctor made a displeased face. "Young man, what silly things are you saying. The patient is injured so badly. Keeping aside about when he'll recover, if he doesn't undergo the operation, he won't even be able to sit up."

Jiang Xiu wasn't in the mood to argue with this old doctor, so he walked towards the exit of the room.

"Jiang Xiu!"

Sun Xiaohong called out to him, but he didn't stop.

"Ms. Sun, it's better to heed the specialist's opinion regarding the treatment."

In Jiangnan, the rumors were that Mr. Jiang's skills were quite godly. Though Sun Xiaohong hadn't seen it personally, she had heard a lot. Moreover, since the relationship between the families had eased up a bit, she didn't wish to go against Jiang Xiu's decision lest the families' relationship reached another deadlock. "Can we wait a bit longer? We can't rush this matter."

The old doctor could only nod helplessly. They had to respect the intentions of the patient's family members.

"Hanlin, you're awake!"

Cheng Hanlin responded to her with an 'Mhm.' After the excitement of reconciling with the Jiang family had passed, the pain he felt while being paralyzed on the bed began to torment him. He sat up then said, "Just now, I felt like I heard Jiang Xiu's voice."

"Mhm. He was here a moment ago. After all, we've married our daughter to him. Even if he has a grievance, it's proper for him to come…" Sun Xiaohong stopped in the middle, becoming dazed.

The doctors were all dumbstruck as well. The old doctor's jaw had almost dropped off. "H-How… is this possible?!"

"How are you able to sit up?"

The previous doctor who spoke out cried out in surprise as well, "Impossible! Your 12thand 17th vertebrae are broken. It's impossible for you to sit up."

But the facts were right before them. Cheng Hanlin was also shocked. He sat on instinct and had no intentions to do it. He felt quite weird today. His body felt better and rejuvenated as if all his pain and weakness had been swept away.

"That youth just now…"

"His words were right!"

All the doctors revealed expressions of disbelief.

"A miracle! It's a miracle!"

The old doctor shouted excitedly, "Q-Quickly inspect him. I want to see what's up with his spinal column."


He was too excited because the problem of paralysis due to injury to the spinal column was an unsolvable problem in medical science.

"Quickly notify Director Wu!"

For a moment, the ICU turned chaotic, or to say lively.

After Jiang Xiu left the hospital, he called for a cab to go to the campus. Just as he reached there, Wang Xintong called him. "That matter in Europe didn't work out."

Jiang Xiu had already prepared himself for such a result, but he was still a little disappointed when he heard it.

"Was the other party unwilling to sell it?" Jiang Xiu asked.

"It's not that. Our men went to the auction house to obtain the contact details of the seller, but they were fake, and so is the seller's identity."

"Looks like this person's too cautious." Jiang Xiu commented.

Wang Xintong felt quite helpless as well. "Mhm. What's the plan now? Should we stop or send more men to Europe to look for the seller?"

"Since the other party wants to hide, they won't get found by you so easily."

"Book a flight ticket for me. I'll personally make a trip over there."

If the other party weren't an ordinary person, no matter how many of the Wang family's children are sent, it would be completely useless. The Longevity Stone was pretty crucial to Jiang Xiu. He couldn't just rely on his divinity source to nourish the saber pill as even a hundred years won't be enough for it to take form completely. He was unwilling to wait so long, so he needed to gather otherworldly materials.

"Shall I come along with you to Europe then?"

"No need for that. Handle Jiangnan's business for me properly."

"My father's here to handle the matters in Jiangnan. Also, with the No.1 Demigod of China suppressing Jiangnan, no one dares to create trouble here, so everything's getting a green light. It's the same whether I stay here or not."

Jiang Luoxia had shocked the martial arts world of China with the battle on the Mid-autumn festival night. He also obtained permission from the Diaoyutai to take in Jiangnan's resources. No in the right mind would dare to create trouble with him under these circumstances.

Although Diaoyutai wasn't ready to forgive him for the chaos caused, Jiangnan's peace was most essential for them.

"No need for that!"

"Okay. Take care of yourself then. I'll arrange the trip as soon as possible. You really don't need me to accompany you? I'm quite familiar with the places over there. I can act as your guide."

"I'm not going there to have fun."