
I waited in my room for about 1 to 3 hours, surfing the web among other things.

It's strange, I haven't seen anything about my death in the news, does no one care? I guess no one would.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

I go to open the door, when I do, I find that it's Ashley standing in front of me again.

"Your appointment is ready young master. Please follow me."

Finally, with this, all of my burdens will be dead.

I followed Ashley down a few tight corners. As I did, I noticed that the area was growing darker and there were less rooms off to the sides of us.

Eventually, we arrived at a pretty ambiguous looking room. Ashley pushed open the door and led me through.

It looked exactly like a hospital room of sorts. Beside the surgical equipment and bed, there was a shady looking man wearing a mask.

Ashley left, closing the door behind herself.

The man suddenly spoke to me through his surgeon's mask. "You must be Allen, we're ready to start the procedure. Please lay on the bed face up."

I was hesitant, but I followed through with it anyway.

"No need to be nervous, I'm the best at what I do. I'm going to put this mask on you now, it'll pump the anesthetic to you. This isn't exactly a painless process, so it's best if you wore it."

The mask was slipped on me rather quickly. For a moment, I felt nothing, eventually I started feeling drowsy. After a while, I slipped into unconsciousness.

I woke up after an unknown amount of time to the surgeon freaking out. He was frantically explaining something to William who was now standing in the doorway.

"I can't do this. None of my tools can even scratch his skin!"

You're kidding, so it was a failure? I'm still just as ugly as before? No, this can't be true.

In my drowsy state, I pushed myself up out of the bed and ran past the two, heading for my bathroom.

I entered my room locked the door behind me, then ran to the bathroom connected to it, locking the bathroom door too.

I looked into the mirror to see that I was still the same.

This is some sick joke, right? I saw tears forming in my own eyes. I blocked sound from escaping my barrier, and fell to my knees in defeat.

"Damn, well now what am I suppose to do?"

I looked up at the cieling, letting my tears flow.

Suddenly, in my time of despair, I felt a slight tinge of pain on my face.

I slapped my palm where I felt it, but it didn't go away, but then...the pain flared across my entire face like a wild fire.

I held my face and began to scream. It's like my skin is melting, ripping, and drying at the same time. Along side that, I can hear and feel the bones in my face breaking and reassembling.

I was now writhing around in pain on the remarkably clean bathroom floor. The taste of blood filled my mouth, and excessive amounts of it poured from various holes in my head. My ears, eyes, nose, mouth, and pores, were bleeding profusely.

To combat this, I tore my shirt off to clean up the blood and wrapped it around my face for a while.

It was about 10 minutes of unrelenting agony before it stopped. When it did, I was extremely weak, and breathing heavily.

I pushed myself up on my feet and used the wall as support. I unlocked the bathroom door, feebly approached my bed...and collapsed.

I would say I was out for maybe 5 hours before another knock on my bedroom door awoke me. It sounded frantic.

Ashely yelled from the other side. "Young master! Please come out, it's dinner time! You've already skipped lunch today!"

I guess I do need food. By the way, I don't feel weak anymore. It's amazing what sleep can do for a person. The smell of blood no longer permeated from my body either.

I walked to the door an opened it hungrily.

Ashely stood there in shock. She stood there for a good 2 minutes before saying anything.

I was puzzled, usually my face doesn't get this type of reaction. It normally a one and done deal. I waved my hand in front of her face to snap her out of her trance.

"OH! M-my apologies, y-oung master! It seems the surgery was a success, I'm glad. It was rather quick, I might add."

Success, no. They said my skin couldn't even be scratched. Was she messing with me? I decided to brush it off, no point getting upset about it again.

Ashely looked down at the floor.

"I heard your jaw might be a little weak after the procedure, I brought easy to swallow foods. I could feed them to you if you'd like."

My jaw? Actually it feels rather strong, almost too strong....

Having someone else hand feed me sounds embarrasing, especially when I'm perfectly capable of feeding myself.

Ashely looked equal parts eager and nervous, so I wasn't really sure what to say.

"It's fine, my jaw works well enough, see," I said while showing off how strong my jaw game was.

Ashley looked mildly defeated. What's with her? It's almost like she WANTS to spend time with me...nah, can't be.

I grabbed the basket of food from Ashley and closed my door after thanking her.

After closing the door, I realized that I wasn't wearing a shirt again. How do I keep forgetting?

Oh well, I'm not ashamed of my body anymore, just my face. I have to say, my body actually looks pretty good.

Alright, let's see what we have her. My stomach can't wait another moment. Wait, what is this? It's all baby food!

Ugh! No, calm down Allen, there could be something good here.

Applesauce, I'll eat this, can't go wrong with applesauce. After eating several jars of the mushy delight, I decided that I should take a shower and brush my teeth before bed.

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

The drone again. It must be my clothes this time.

I opened the window and let the drone in. It left a box, had me sign, then flew away.

Perfect timing, I needed a pair of clothes before I hit the shower.

I picked a match out and went to the bathroom.

As I opened the door, the first thing I noticed was the bloody shirt on the bathroom floor.

The second thing I noticed scared me shitless. I looked at the mirror to find the most handsome asshole I've ever seen staring back at me.

I recoiled out of fear.

"Augh! W-who the hell are you?!" I yelled at the handsome stranger.

To my surprise, his movements mimicked my own, his piercing golden eyes, staring into my soul.

Slowly, it dawned on me. This...this is my reflection. But why? It makes no sense.

They said the surgery failed, were they pulling some sort of prank on me?

Does this have something to do with the immense pain I felt earlier?

I'll think about that later, for now, this shower is very much needed. I feel dirty all over for some reason. For the time being, I should just assume the surgery was a success.

That being said, my burdens are officially dead.