Chapter 1: The Accidental Meet

Preethi! Preethi! Wake up faster or else you will be late for your work. You told me that you have meetings with your superior today. Be faster and freshen up or you will be late for work today, then don't scold me for not waking you up.

Preethi wokes up and sees the time,

"Oh shit! Its already 8.30 am." Scream preethi shockingly

Preethi wokes up from bed and went to take a quick bath. After that, Preethi dressed up and went to work without having breakfast.

"Preethi, atleast have a slice of bread before going to work" said her mom,stella.

"Mom its already late,I have to go to work now or my boss will scold me for being late for this special occasion" preethi told her mom while running towards her scooter.

Preethi reaches her workplace in time and went to straight to talk to her superior about today's agenda. It's revealed that this week their news channel was in top 3 position for the 1st time. so they want to celebrate it thus it can be motivational to employees to work harder for their news channel. The employees are preparing for the party which will be held in the evening.

On the other side, thamizh was shown hugging and enjoying himself in a blind date with a girl . Suddenly he got a call from his office that asked him to go to a murder spot that recently happen. Thamizh angrily moved from the place and promised the girl that they will meet up very soon.

"Hey babe, my boss just called me and urge me to go to a murder spot now, im really sorry and I promised you that next time it wont be like this" thamizh whispered to her ears romantically.

Preethi who was enjoying the party suddenly asked by her chief to go have a look at the murder place which just happen. Preethi went there as fast as she could so she could covered about the details more than other reporters .So it can gain the popularity of her company and can be promoted to high level so she can earn more and save her family livings.

Preethi reaches the spot earlier than others. While she is in hurry ,she accidently parks her scooter in car parking lots .while taking information about the victims from an eye witness. She heard a crash sound and shocked to see her scooter was hit badly by thamizh car.

" hey you idiot , are u blind" Preethi yells at thamizh angrily.

Thamizh get down from car to appologise to the damages.

"sorry maam, I don't see your scooter was there, im really sorry for the trouble" says thamizh

" you have broke my side mirrors!, you sorry doesn't enough for me and it wont make my scooter repaired automatically for the damages you have done,you have to pay me or bring my scooter to the mechanics and pay for the damages" says preethi angrily to thamizh.

"I'm really sorry for the damages but who asked you to park your scooter at cars parking lots, its your mistakes not mine so I wont give a single penny for you, you are such a gold digger who awaits for the victims and collects a large amount of money from him, your dirty tricks wont work for me, so just get lost from my sight before I lost my temper" thamizh yelled back at preethi.

Preethi humilate thamizh and created a big scene thus everyone gathered there and scold thamizh for misbehaving like that to a girl. Thamizh irked by her behaviour and lost his temper and throws a king's ransom on preethi face. Preethi takes the money and he humilated her back and address her as a gold digger.

"this is her real colour,she will do anything for money even she will faked her death for money" yells thamizh while pointing his hand towards preethi.

Preethi feel humilated and went different ways from him. She wish that she will never have to meet thamizh again in her lifeagain.

Preethi after calm down went to the murder spot as the forensic agencies is giving a talk about the murder and the victim.

At the spot,the victim's body was exermined by some talented forensics and then the body was brought to hospitals to further the investigation either to confirm its a murder or a suicide.Then Charu was shown givings talks to the reporters about the case. The reporters jot down every points she delivered.The questions by the reporters rose to a clamour situation.

After the talk, Charu recongnised Thamizh as her school mate and bring him aside to talk to him. Suddenly an anger PreethI interupt their talks and argue with Thamizh about the earlier things happened today. She lashes out her anger on thamizh for treating women badly.

"you are such a wicked person,how can you scold me like that, what will you do if same things happens to your sisters" preethi yelled at Thamizh.

Everyone laugh at Thamizh and this angers him more.

"Stop talking about my family, you don't know anything about them,my mom doesnt raised my sisters like you a gold digger, be in the limits or else I will show you your actual place" thamizh yelled back at preethi while showing the trash.

Thamizh challanged Preethi that he will make her regret before she went back to home. Thamizh went to his friends and talk about preethi to them. He tells them that he want to humilate preethi infront everyone today. Thus he made a evil plan to make preethi suffer. The tells his plan to his friends.

"I will puncture her scooter tires so she will be alone in this streets tonight and then I will pretend like to offers the ride to her home but I will leave her alone in this streets tonight. I want her to regret for messing with me." tells Thamizh to her friends.

Preethi's collague who was there nearby the talks heards what thamizh plan to do tonight. He went to tell Preethi about his plan. After knowing his plan, preethi decided to backlash his own plan to him. She went to punture his tires instead. Then she saw him went to her scooter. When he bend down to punture her scooters, she arrived and he was stunned to see her. She takes video as a proof and humilated him.

"What are you going to do with my scooter?" asked preethi innocently like she don't know what actually thamizh going to do.

" im doing nothing and I just came here to appologised to you about what happen earlier." he muttered to her.

Then he went away before she starts to talk nonsense again. When he went to his car, he realised that his 2 tires was punctured and someone left a note infront the car. He read the notes and realised it was preethi act.

"Are u trying to get revenge on me by puncturing my scooter, you will get your own medicine back.Don't mess with me" it was preethi notes left infront thamizh car.

Then he stand alone as his friends went earlier than him.Suddenly a car come approching was charu.

"hey , what are u doing here at this time, I thought u went to your home ready, what happen to your car" asked Charu continuously.

" hey, my car broke down as the tires was punctures by the girl I messed just now but I would be elated if u could offers me to ride to my house" thamizh begin to flirts with charu.

" Yes of course I would be elated to help you out" said Charu.

Thamizh get on Charu's car and then he tell about Preethi and they have a nice chit chat . they share a good moments together. Charu begins to fell for Thamizh's charm . when she reached her house Thamizh asked her for her number to continue their unnamed bond.

"hey pretty, can I have your number so we can hang around more often" say Thamizh to Charu

"yes babe, I would love to" Charu whisper to thamizh sweetly

Then They exchange their numbers and suddenly thamizh asked her for a date tommorow. Then he gets down from her car without waiting for her reply. Charu replied him yes happily without thinking more.

At home, Preethi tell that incident to her family members and how Thamizh humiliated her infront everyone. Preethi mom pacify her and asked her to relax and forget that moments as a bad nightmare.

"Akka!,Akka!," call preethi younger brother,ramesh sadly

"akka, I asked you for the money that my teacher urge me to pay tomorrow or else she will punish me and shamed me infront my friends, did you bring the money I asked" asked her brother sadly

Preethi then take out her purse and gives the money to ramesh.

"Thanks akka.I love you very much , you are the best" Ramesh said excitedly while hugging preethi.

Preethi mom asked her to freshen up and come down to eat dinner together as I was long time ago since they eat together. After having dinner preethi went to her bedroom to sleep.

In her room she constantly think about Thamizh and how he humiliated her in front everyone and how he address her as a gold digger and she want to revenge him and make him regret for treating women badly.

"I won't leave him, when next time I see him, I will surely do something that will make him suffer" muttered preethi viciously

On the other side, Thamizh curse Preethi and her doings and he promised to himself to turn Preethi life as hell.

"Ting,Ting" his mobile phone sounded

He then pick up his phone to see who messages him in this hour.

"Hey, I was thinking to have lunch with you in the SS.Radha Cafe, are you ok about it" Thamizh read Charu messages happily.

"Yeah of course, its such a romantic place to hang out together so be ready, I will pick u up from your office and we will go together and lets have a romantic date which will be alwayz in our hearts." Thamizh reply flirtious to Charu .

"Ok then, see you tommorow handsome boy" Charu replied instantly when she got the text.