Chapter 2 : Their Next Meet

"Ting, Ting." Preethi's phone rings continuously

Preethi woke up from her sleep and checks her phone.

"Our Channel is throwing a party to celebrate Mr.Viknes's, our lovable boss's birthday. So everyone must attend to make it more lively"

"Place: SS.Radha Cafe

"Time: 12.30 PM"

Preethi get up from the bed and went to take a bath.

Preethi then dressed nicely and went downstairs to have breakfast with her family. Her mom, Stella asked her to buy some groceries when she comes back from work while her father asked her some money to pay their house rent. Preethi checks her purse and realized there was not much money left but still she gave an amount of money to her father, Krisna.

"Thank you Preethi. Sorry for troubling you, I don't have enough money because my boss is deducting everyone's salary as the company are in stake, that's why honey I asked you to lend me some of your money but I will pay as soon as I got my salary"

" It's ok appa, I know you wouldn't have asked me if you didn't need it the most, you don't have to pay me, even I'm working for our family also, you can ask me anytime appa. I love you appa no matter what. Our family is my forever priority." Preethi tells her daddy while hugging him.

After having lunch, Preethi went to her scooter to start the engine. She tries many times but in vain. She then remember that Thamizh hit her scooter yesterday.

"urgh, that boy really is a troublemaker, I'm going to be late for my office function today. Next time when I meet him, I'm not gonna leave him that easily" murmured Preethi to herself.

Later she asked her father's help to drop her in the restaurant but her father refuse because his boss is urgently calling him for a meeting.

"Sorry Preethi, my boss just called me and asked me to reach office faster for an urgent meeting" said Krisna sadly to his daughter.

"Its ok apps, I understand your situation, don't worry I will manage myself, Take care daddy" said Preethi to his dad while waving to him.

Later she decided to go to the restaurant via bus as the restaurant is just a stone throw away from her place. She waits at the bus stop for the bus. Suddenly a guy approached her.

"Hey Preethi, you don't know me but I know you very well. I'm following you since a long time ago." the guy started to talk to Preethi.

On the other hand, Thamizh is on his way to pick Charu from her workplace.

"Hey sweetie I'm on my way to pick you up for the lunch date that I promised you last night, I will reach there in 5 mins. See you soon baby, I missed you" texted Thamizh to Charu

"I'm always ready for you boy." Charu texted back.

Thamizh picks up Charu and they are on their way to SS.Radha cafe as well. While in the car, they talked about their interest and suddenly charu asked something to thamizh

" Are u single Thamizh" Charu asked excitedly.

"Are u trying to hit on me?" Thamizh replied while smirk at Charu

"No I just being Curious" Charu replied instantly

Then they have some nice chit chats and Charu begins to have feelings for him.

While on the other side, the guy grabs Preethi's hand and proposed her. Preethi rejects him and tells him that she doesn't have neither interest nor time to be in a relationship.

" Sorry mister, I'm just concentrating on my career and my family depends on me," Preethi tells him.

"HOW DARE YOU REJECT ME" the man angrily yell at Preethi and grab her hand violently.

"stop you are hurting me" pleaded Preethi to him to free her hand.

Then he gropes her hand and face. The angry Preethi loses her temper and slaps him in front of everyone. Thamizh and Charu who are on the way to the cafe witness the incident when they pass by the bus stop. Thamizh still in shocked after saw Preethi there.

" you see, this girl is such a troublemaker, I think she loves to create drama wherever she is and she just got a new victim today " Thamizh teases about Preethi to Charu. They both laugh at her.

Thamizh constantly thinks of Preethi after the incident. He tries to avoid his thinking but he cannot do so.

The three reached the cafe but without noticing each other presence.

"Preethi! Preethi, I'm here. Everyone is waiting for you in the cafe. Come faster." Preethi's friend dragged her inside. Preethi and Thamizh almost look at each other but their look turns into a different direction.

Inside the cafe, the Zee News channel's employees happily celebrating Mr.Vikness's birthday. While enjoying the lunch, Preethi went to the washroom to wash her hand.

When Preethi comes out from the washroom and she suddenly think about Thamizh and when she wanna cross his table, she accidentally bumps onto a waiter. Thus they both get to see each other and completely shocked. They glare at each other for a while.

" YOU" they both shouted at each other.

"Preethi come here faster, we gonna cut the cake now" Preethi's friend shouted.

"Yeah I'm on my way" said Preethi.

When she crosses his table, Thamizh purposely make her fell down and laughed at her. Everyone in the cafe stares at Preethi and some of them were laughing.

Preethi feel humiliated and decided to teach thamizh a great lesson. She stand up and grab the water on his table and spilled on his face.

"You spoilt rich brat and a utterly jerk guy. No one can handle you and I should blame your parents for their worst upbringing, you are such a ch.." Preethi shouted at thamizh angrily.

Before she could end her sentences, Thamizh and Charu interrupted her

" you don't have any class or standard to talk about my family. At least my mom doesn't raise me like you. You are such a gold digger. I saw you this morning with a new victim. How much u earn from him. That's why you can afford to come to eat in places like this." Thamizh yelled back at her.

While Charu also scold and humiliated Preethi badly in front of everyone without knowing that Thamizh purposely make Preethi fell down.

"You idiot, Thamizh was right about you, you are such a gold digger who always looks for an opportunity to hit a rich guy like him. Just get lost from here or else I will call the police and make you arrested to create a unnecessarily drama here and spill water on a rich guy," said Charu angrily to Preethi.

Preethi fights back and gives a bold reply to Charu and tells Thamizh that he such a disgusting guy and will do whatever to get more information about the murder yesterday. That's why you hooked up with a forensic lady to gain information from her regarding the murder.

" I have never seen a guy like you in my life. You don't have any morality in you and you don't know how to treat a woman even you don't have dignity. Meeting a guy like you is a sin of my life and done ever come in front of my eyes after this, and you Charu must understand that money can't buy happiness, and money is literally nothing compared to family. I think you both need some love from family" replied Preethi to both of them

Thamizh and Charu stand in shock. While the whole restaurant laughed at them. Thamizh went out of the cafe. Charu follows him.

Outside the cafe, Charu called her superior officer and requested for a day off and they granted her wish. Charu tells Thamizh that they can hang out throughout the day. Charu tries to cheer him up and succeed to make him smile.

"Hey baby, you look more hot and cute when you smile" Charu flirts with him

"Thank you, baby, you are the reason for my smiling" and he winks at her

Charu shyly nodded her head. They went to a shopping mall as Charu's watch broken when she bangs the table while arguing with Preethi.

" Thamizh I would be elated if you choose the watch for me"

" Every watch is lucky to have you as the owner and it will become more beautiful if u wear it." Thamizh begins to flirt with her

" This watch will look best on you," Thamizh says to Charu while pointing to a couple set watch

" a couple watch!, I would love it if u will wear it with me. It will make me feel closer to you whenever I wore this watch" Charu flirts back.

Finally they bought the couple watch set.

"I will wear it for you and you will wear it for me "both whisper in their ears.

After they complete their shopping, they decided to go for a movie.

On the other side, Preethi still thinks how Thamizh and Charu humiliated her and call her gold digger in front of everyone. She reaches home and went straight to her room.

"Preethi what happen to you, why are u crying while entering the house? Did anyone hurt you today?" asked her mom.

"Akka what happen, did your boss scold you? Open the door, we are so worried about you" asked by Ramesh

"Leave me alone for awhile now" shouted Preethi to both of them.

While at the movie, Thamizh tries to hold Charu's hand and kiss her but he was scared on how will Charu will react.

After the movie, he dropped Charu at her house and opened the car door for her.

"Get down my princess, we reached your house" Thamizh tell Charu while he opens the car door.

" Thank you for the awesome day majesty and help me calm down. You are a honeybunch for me. If u always do like this, I'm afraid I will love you" Thamizh romantically told Charu.

Before Charu walks to her home, she runs back to Thamizh and hugged him tightly.

" Thank you for the day and for the watch. This day is the best day of my life. I will never ever forget this day." says Charu while hugging him tightly.

Then she went to her home while her daddy is watching angrily from the windows upstairs.

At Thamizh house, his mom, Santhira is talking to the maids and asking them to keep the house clean otherwise they will lose the job. Then his father takes her aside and advises her not to be rude to their maids.

While they were talking, Thamizh enters the house, Santhira stops him and interrogate his whereabouts and why he came back so late. Then she said to him that our company needs a new CEO who is energetic as they both are getting older and weaker so they cannot do their job properly.

" Our company's situation are on the rock now, we are in nearly getting bankrupt and I want you to join in our company tomorrow. I'm not requesting you, I'm ordering you. You must fulfill your responsibility as the heir of our company." Thamizh mom's sternly told him.

"How many times I told you I have no interest to join our company. I love our company and I know, you raised us with the profits earned by our company, but mom, I want to be a successful reporter and have my own identity myself." Thamizh replied to his mom kindly.

"Thamizh I know you love your job, but you have to think about our company and our family also. We depend on it. We don't have any other income. It's our only source of income Thamizh. I'm not being rude. I just want you to be the heir of our company. I know you can do the best for our company so it can bring back the old glory of 'Dhanaletchumy Industrialist'."

While his Father, Rudhra ask Santhira to give some time to Thamizh to think about it

"Son, you take your time to think, I won't force you like your mom because it's your life son. We just can advise you but we don't have the right to force you to do. I hope you will make the best decision for you and our family." Rudhra told his son.

"It's getting late, your grandmom have prepared your most favorite dish, payasam, have it before you go to your room to sleep" Rudhra adds on

"Ok dad, I love you. Good night," says Thamizh before heading to the kitchen.

Before sleeping Thamizh thinks of the moments him with Charu suddenly Preethi came to his mind. He tries to ignore her thinking but it just gets deeper.

On the other hand, Preethi opened the door and hugs her mom and tells sorry for her bad behavior. She told her the whole story and how Thamizh humiliated her in front of everyone. She then asked her mom not to tell anyone as she don't want to make them worry. They hugged and Stella console her.