The Scaffold-III

"If all the thieves in this Land confess there will be no use of prison!" the man beside Timothy exclaimed to Elise and then spoke, "Milord I saw with my own two eyes that woman bumped and soon after Timothy loses his wallet there could be no one either than her who had stolen the wallet!"

"You said you have seen her bumped to you but have you seen she took his wallet?" Ian replied staley the man had nothing to say as he didn't actually saw Elise bump his friend nor that she took his wallet. Narrowing his eyes he called, "Austin, bring them to the scaffold. As for the other one pluck his eyes out. It should teach them a lesson not to lie ever again or accuse people."

Timothy and his friend had their blood drained from their faces as they heard the Lord's order. "Let us go, shouldn't we?" asked Austin with a grin as he pulled the two men lightly as though they were a sack bag of potatoes.