Grim Reaper’s persuasion

Ian narrowed his eyes over the chick. It had only been a day passed between them and it would seem from the way the grim reaper had called Elise by her nickname, they had somewhat gotten closer through something. The 'something' had Ian's curiosity to set his lips that were smiling to turn into a single line,

"Elly?" He pressed his words with a cool tone, the red eyes he had narrow in a deeper look at the chick who didn't noticed Ian's change in expression.

"Yes! Elly!" the chick confirmed somewhat proud when he repeated the name. Ian only hummed tonelessly at the proudness the chick emitted and his eyes then shifted to meet Elise's blue ones when she had stood up from the chair. With their eyes gazing at each other, Elise found his eyes looking at her seeming to be displeased of something.