What Took Place-II

When they arrived to the castle, Elise walked down from the carriage, her hand holding the cloak that Ian gave her while her shoes were barren. When she was about to take a single step, Ian caught a hold of her wrist. A smile twisting his lips and Ian knew how when his thumb swipe on her wrist, Elise heart was unable to keep up with beat.

"Are you thinking of going back without shoes? It will affect your work." said Ian and in a second Elise closed her eyes to blink, she found herself in her room. Her feet moved steps behind and her eyes kept blinking as if to make sure whether she had came back to her room.

All this time Elise thought the magic only work if Ian was with her. Today she learned that the teleportation magic work with touching the subject. Elise made her way to the bed. When her bottom reached the cushion a slight sound of wood creaked on her weigh. Placing a hand over her face, she covered her red cheeks.