Reading The Letter-II

Maroon retracted his hand, standing straight. "He tried to run to the nearest villager's house from the inn, I had no choice but to hit him. I made sure not to hit his vital points," replied Maroon passively and he pushed the door for Ian to enter.

"That wasn't what I meant. It's not as if we are angels, I don't mind who you hurt or kill unless it is Elise," sighed Ian. In the castle other than Elise, there was no one in the castle who he could enjoy talking with for hours. Maroon would reply him passively which wasn't to his taste as he enjoyed expression from the person he talked against with.

"I wonder if it is time to change your shovel. You took a liking to it but I remember how rusty it had become." Maroon's dull eyes seemed to be lighting on the Lord's words at the mention of the shovel.