Black Horns-II

Elise felt that to fly and to stay on the ground was one strange feeling. The sky was high and never came the day to Elise where she would be so close to the sky almost like the bird she always see to be free and unbind by anything as they soar to the sky.

Upon reaching back to the castle, Ian's wings flapped as one of his legs took one step on the railing of the balcony before he transition his other leg to smoothly reach the floor of the balcony. Elise stepped down when Ian bent his body slightly so her feet could reach the ground.

"That was a meaningful trip," Ian commented. It was a very meaningful one to Ian as he watched Elise putting distance between her and the vampire whose mind was on Elise. The vampire managed to stay as a friend but that would be the only thing he would be to her. "We found the culprit, and now his family would be at rest with the justice they found for the death John."