Binding The Sweet Lips-II

Elise who had never  kissed before in her entire life, didn't know what to do and she let her body guide by Ian who opened her a new door of pleasure. Ian continued to kiss her lips by brushing one seam gently, helping her to get use to the taste of his lips; while his hand on her waist slowly glide along her curve and the gentle action had Elise to curl her toes.

Elise felt Ian opening her lips by pressing his lips, guiding her to do what he wanted from her. His tongue sneaked inside her mouth, entering the warm and moist corner. Ian came upper hand in pleasure. He had lived his life not purely like one would imagine. There was even time when he drowned himself on pleasure to meaninglessly waste his long life which stopped not too long when he met Elise.

Ian intended to kiss her gently but when one who had abstained loosened just slightly of his collar, it ended with everything almost unleashed.