Break To Dust-III

Ian effortlessly moved her to his room. It was perhaps the third or fourth time Elise had come to Ian's room but she couldn't help to fidget at the thought that there was a bed in the room. She looked away, breaking gaze from the bed to Ian who has settled her on the bed.

Ian took a seat beside her, "Where does it hurt, you winced earlier and touch your head. Did the shards prick your head?" There was still a heavy tone in his words and his lips were set in a straight line. She saw how Ian's eyes on hers were more intense than ever. Even though Elise knows Ian wasn't angry at her, she can't help but feel pressured with his stern expression that could go for a kill.

"N-no, I didn't hurt my head, thankfully because Master Ian had come in time," said Elise who then pursed her lips that were still quivering. When she looked down, she took sight of her hands that were both trembling as if she was a leaf that was blown by wind.