Nothing Is Free-III

Elise knew how important sleep was. On the first three days after her family's death, she felt as if she was wasting away, unable to sleep. The moment she closed her eyes, the image of her family drenched with blood and the face of the mythical beast came to her mind, reminding her of the bloodcurdling event.

Could it be that Ian could not sleep well because of his past?

"Why can't you sleep well?" asked Elise, the girl use a gentle voice as if she was trying to catch a drop of dew from the end of a leaf. "Is there a reason for it?"

Ian leaned his head on the headrest, only the side of his face as most of his body had turned to her direction, "Beats me. When I realized it, sleeping became unnecessary. I hope you can tell me and teach me how sleep would feel to me."