Black Shadow-I

Inside the confession box was warm. As the place was made narrow, two candles were enough to make the place warm. The sister sat inside the confession box where the place was divided with a divided that had small holes. 

Sister Blythe didn't know what time it was. She pulled the small compact watch she had with her, thinking to leave if no one would come. Noting that it was still twelve, she heard a knock. A voice of a man follow after, "Sister, I wish to make a confession."

Sister Blythe was surprised by the voice. It was deep and reverberating. She had heard many voices before but this one stood out sorely in a good way. 

"Please enter," said Sister Blythe, the door was then opened and the shadow created by the flame from the candle muddled when Ian entered. As if in time, when he sat down on the seat placed inside the box, the flames on both the candles were extinguished.

"Oh, no, the wind must have blown it," said Sister Blythe.