House On The Hill-II

Inside the house looked worse than how the cottage looked from outside. Elise saw the spider webs in all corners of the ceiling and the woods that had broke from age, everything inside the house was clouded with dusts making Elise who was sensitive sneezed.

Elise pulled a handkerchief to cover her nose when Ian took the handkerchief from her and wiped her nose, "It's a ruin, though the house is quite impressive for a house abandoned for sixty more years."

"Could this be Sullivan's magic?" asked Elise when Ian retracted his hand.

"I don't think that is his magic," Beelzebub replied, he entered deeper to the hallways when he stopped at the room trying to open it. "Each Demons have their own magic power while Sullivan's magic was something that I don't know myself but it's not this."