Lingering Memory-I

Elise went inside when Ian closed the door behind him. They both walk toward the room and as Ian took a chair, he pulled Elise's hand to place her on the seat. "Tell him to show himself."

She nodded and when she was about to tell Sullivan, the ghost huffed, "It's not a matter of whether I can show myself. I'm trapped, this is not my soul you are seeing of, which mean I'm not a ghost."

Elise couldn't understand, "You are not a ghost?" but he was transparent although the difference was that Ian who could see ghost as he was a demon couldn't see Sullivan being here.

"I am what you could say as the memory of this house. Once this house gone, I'll be gone too. Like a shadow," answered Sullivan and somewhere Elise felt sad for the person as he sounded lonely.

"So he is only a memory of this house," Ian guessed which was right once again and Elise replied with a nod.