Rumored Sister-II

Surprise, 6 chapters~~


Monica was alarmed and so was Elijah. They both couldn't understand what Ian meant. The siblings knew who was on the garden a moment ago and it was Elijah with Elise. The Lord had dropped a remark about Rose, but Monica who sat on the view right across the window wondered if there was Roses bush on the garden as she couldn't see anything.

The sister turn to look at his brother once, "I-I don't know what you might be saying, milord."

Ian smiled turning his face to see the siblings staring at each other and Elijah, who was still standing near the door with a stiff expression as if ghost had appeared and scared the living out of him. "So you don't see what I saw. That is a waste of your good eyesight, Monica. If you couldn't use it well, you should give your eyes to people who need them more than you."