Bloody Intruder-III

Author's note: Hello lovely readers! I have told this in the recent updates which the privileged member knows earlier, but I forgot to tell you about this, sorry TT. Currently, I am going under a surgery with another four days of surgery. I have just finished my first surgery and everything is going well. I am still drowsy after the first surgery which why the updates would be slow, but I promise not to stop updating. I will also increase the word rates to 1600-1800 words which is close to 2 chapter in one chapter. I'm sorry to update a single chapter but my body just couldn't keep up with my schedule. Thank you for reading this notice~~


The reaper who Ian saw venturing on the front yard stopped as it suddenly disappeared. It seemed for once had vanished, but the next moment he could tell that behind the intruder, the reaper stood behind the man, holding out its scythe, wanting to bring the Demon's soul.