Hope for Peace-III

Elise was elated to see the second exam but at the same time the excitement had passed for her a little more than before. Truthfully, one of the many reason for her to chose becoming a Church member because she wanted to find Ian once again, and the place where she had to live in.

"The second exam is harder than before," Ian warned her, looking directly into her eyes, "Once there was a case from the second exam where only a single person survived." 

Hearing this, Elise's brows raised in curiosity. "Who is it?"

"It was Dalton Lone," answered Ian and he brought the letter to his hand, reading it with an uninterested expression, "At that time they were told to survive in a forest near Hurthend for four days. It didn't take two days before the people there to die. Since then the exam had been modified due to the amount of victims. Still it didn't mean they guarantee safeties for the participants as the victims for each exam are still there."