Ghost Town-II

"Okay." Beelzebub raised his hand for Elise to see blue fire appeared from his palm. "We drag them, bring them to the middle of the town, and burn them alive. That's the plan?"

Ian hummed in a thought when he felt Elise tugged his sleeve. "What is it, Sweet Elise?"

Elise cheeks blushed she said, "I don't think attacking directly is a good plan. We don't know what this person is capable of. Seeing how they are able to to cast a large loop magic, we don't know for sure what they are planning for and why do they keep us here." It was the question that had been in Elise mind why were they the one took in. It appeared not everyone who passed by the road would be pulled to the loop magic because the time when they had used the path for the first time before going to the church, the magic didn't capture her.