Ones Who Lurk In Shadows-II

"Calling his name now? It's too late, he won't come," snickered the man who wore Alfred's skin but as he walk, his face melted like wax, leaving sizzle and a large chunk of the melted skin fell to the grass. Finally seeing the true face of the dark sorcerer whose face was familiar, Elise gasped.

"You...I have seen you before," she looked at the face and her brows furrowed deeper.

"Of course, Elise, I was someone who knows you very well," the man put his hand to his chest, "I lived next to your house after all, we were close didn't we? I often watch over you and your mother from the wooden fence between our house. That pitiful woman, left by her own husband and now look at you, in a relationship with a demon? You walk right on the same hole as your mother fell into. Foolish women."