Brawling Brown In Furry-I

Ian came at the right time when Elise thought he would, she looked at him, finding no scratch but his sharp curling horns that were scaly and noting how his whites part of his eyes had turned pitch black while his eyes burn deeper in red that glowed, giving shades or oranges to his long black lashes.

"What happened?" She asked him, trying to understand the condition of their situation for now. "Who was it?"

"Gabriel was the real Gabriel from Heaven," Ian responded, discerning how the sentence hooked at his mind and let out a smirk, "Funny how he couldn't be much more creative by using other name." and Elise had to agree with it, as even though he appeared very much like a human, the name managed to linger in the back of their mind, causing him to be suspicious despite looking not very much different than others.