Reeling Puzzle-III

Elise felt her body melting under Ian's careful but sensual touches. Her body felt hot and so was the skin that his fingers traced under. Gradually, Elise lost her senses, not knowing whether it was his touches that felt hot or it was her, "I don't have any single hesitation of doing it outside," Ian whispered, his words brought Elise by a snap of reality. "But I don't think we should do it where others could see."

Elise felt her cheeks hot. What was she doing?! Pushing herself awkwardly by the help of his shoulder, she removed her legs from sitting on top of Ian, but when she did, he caught her bottom, a soft sigh left her lips as Elise shuddered, "W-What are you doing?" Surely Ian might be a bit of a crude but he won't go so far as pleasuring her here out in the open would he?