Teaching Lesson-I

Edward Harland couldn't be more proud as he knew he was an apple on the eyes of many women. As a vampire, he had defined features and he claimed he looked no inferior to the Warine Lord. He wondered what was better to Lord Ian than him. The look and his behavior had been gentle the way he knew Elise would prefer, then was it his wealth? 

Elise pulled a tight smile upon seeing Edward. After last time in the winter, she had begin to hold doubt against the man. Now seeing him when she had decided to distance herself from him make her feel awkward. "Pleasant morning for you Mr. Harland."

"It seems like you still don't allow me to be called as Edward," he pointed out. Elise knew that to call a man's first name without honorific should be done only when she has interest on the man and she doesn't have a single interest against Edward.