Disobedient Children-II

"This is your room, Esther," Elise said to the girl after ushering her to the new room. She found that during riding the carriage, Esther continue to appear normal and she didn't know if this was due to Ian's teaching, but she learned that the more normal one behave, it was often that they were the fishiest one who hid more secret than what meet the eye.

Esther walked into the room Elise led her to, looking around and smile spread on her lips, "This is a very extravagant room. I never knew castle would be this big. I had heard news but never see it by my own eyes. But it's a pity that most of the castle covered by curtain."

"Ian doesn't like sunlight much, and although at first I also think it was a shame, now I embrace the little gloominess in the castle as something very relaxing," Elise answered, at time, she shared gaze with Beelzebub who came inside while holding the two suitcases and brought it to the bed.