We’ve Been Trapped!-II

Ernest frowned and he was about to speak but Elise shook her head, "I don't mind you to think I am suspicious but that doesn't make any one of you less suspicious. I don't mind if you suspect me because I will be doing the same to each one of you. I don't trust anyone and I advise you all to not trust each other standing beside you either."

She had thought of solving this doubts between the men by giving them a reason to trust each other and work through the bad time but then she thought it would be easier to make them doubt each other so much that they would decide to stay away from one another.

Not wanting to care about the men's words and chatters, she turned to Ernest, "Can you help me to take down the body?"

"Certainly," Ernest bowed.

"I will lend you a hand, lady," said the elf who was beside her. Elise find it strange when people come close to her and she showed the man a polite smile without actually getting close toward him.