Rage In Action-III

Recommended Music: 911 — Ellise

Reinhard didn't know what happened. In instance blackness came all over his sight and when he knew of it, his subordinates had been taken down. The dark sorcerer turned his back, he turned his back on his subordinates' plead and ran away but not without a cost as he lost his arm and had several puncture wounds all over his body.

He saw the man who stood alone, his face was not who he knew or has seen before, but taken the notice of his black bat wings, he concluded it was a Demon. Time didn't wasted when he left the spot.

Leviathan left to walk toward Elise. His hand touched her forehead, feeling the sweat had dampened her fair skin, her eyes were closed and he pressed two fingers on her wrist. The pulse of her heart had became normal but she had lost quite amount of blood. Checking once again that he was alright, a voice came, "He is coming."