Seed of Hatred-III

With the help of shadows, Elise didn't lose William even when he got out of her sight for a few times. She was absorbed with following him that when she comes into it, the street had been empty and she was moving out of the market to a village. 

Elise looked around, wondering where is she and scolded herself for moving without thinking but she felt like she had to and if push come to shove, she had trust on her power and there was Ian to help her. She continue to follow the shadow's direction, climbing a rather steep hill and was greeted with spreader blanket of green on both sides of the road she took. There was only a single tree around the place with the rest being greeneries and the shadow stopped when they reached into a gate of a village.

Elise questioned where she was and looked at the top of the gate to see the name of the village, "Bernavilles village," she whispered to herself. The shadow then came to her, "Is he inside?"