I Invite Myself-I

Maroon's eyes were still as passive as the unchanging darkness of the night. He stared at the human woman who stared back at him and questioned to himself why was this woman staring at him. One could see he wasn't a man of charm. While he held the strong feature of a man, Maroon tend to be a dark person his expression held no emotion and although he wasn't angry he appeared to be so. Most maids avoided to be with him because of how strict he appeared and the chick even called him as a lifeless puppet because he was similar to one. 

He took another second to realize he had seen this woman before and identified her to be the same woman who he had saved during the time the Demon had done illegal kidnapping to Hell. The woman had been casted a magic to erase her memories so he doubted she stared at him because of that.

"Is there anything on my face?" Maroon's words came snipped and Austin behind him rubbed his neck.